Anyone in San Francisco?


Active Member
My halmeda algae needs trimming, anyone want to trade? i'll probably throw in a mushroom or a Acro(if you have the lighting) that isnt doing so well in my tank for lighting reasons.
or if your selling, i might be interested


Active Member
Hey entice sorry man, I was down near frisco and forgot all about bringing you some xenia, but hey this works out better. I could use some macro, if you could use some xenia?


Active Member
its no problem, you said you were going to chinatown, i live far from chinatown and i dont even like going to chinatown... and im chinese
How's the hairy mushrooms going? you said you'll have to charge me for some, i dont mind paying
i could go for some xenia. If you want razor macro(its not a good looking macro) i only have a little bit left. It might be hard to meet up with you since i dont have a car, i live in the sunset district, onlything near me is the zoo. If you plan on going to the zoo anytime tell me, first wed of the month is free day.


Active Member
The Zoo eh? I think my kids been asking to go, I got one Hairy shroom frag, but it is spoken for. We'll have to work something out I got xenia freaking evry where in my tank, I'm sure I can throw you a stalk or to, and heck any macro is good macro.


Let me know if you ever need a good home for anything...I am more than happy to jump start my reef!
btw - you mentioned something about a lfs on Balboa? where on balboa are you talking about? I know Nippoin and theone on Clement, but I have never been to the other one.


Active Member
its called lucky ocean aquarium
the owner's name is steve, nice guy and will give you good advice. I however do not believe his freshwater dip meathod should be used.
How big is your reef and has it been running yet? i can give you some halmeda, but you have to watch your Calcium levels because they have been known to use it up.
i cant really help you out with mushrooms right now since someone already has claimed my two frags. Im probably going to try cutting them up.
The link broomer gave me is good for us Local people to trade and such. check it out.


Active Member
hey bronco, got any plans on going to the zoo anytime soon? i have work wed which is freeday.
smarls, if you need anythign feel free to email me, i might be able to help you out depending on what you need


Thanks for the link, I will definately check that place out.
My tank is a 55, with 240 watts of pc. I thas been set up for about two years, but used to be a FOWLAR, and I am turning it into a reef tank. Added a skimmer etc, and upgraded the lighting, and now I am slowly adding some coral. So far all have in ther is a little ricordia and a hammer brach.
But slow is the way to go I guess! Anyways, thanks fo rthe offer, just keep me in mind if you are ever dumping anything that you need to get rid
I'll check out that other link that was posted.


Active Member

Originally posted by entice59
hey bronco, got any plans on going to the zoo anytime soon?

Actually the weekend after the fourth, it's two weeks off...but hey fre xenia is free.


Active Member
hey i dont mind, free is free:p
i'll give you some halmeda if you guys want, smarls what district do you live in sf? i live on taravel and 45th.. hopefully if you live close we can do some trading. I need to get rid of some of it.


You live down by ocean beach huh? I live in Potrero Hill...ten minute drive...and I am always willing to do that for fish stuff! I am more than happy to take some of your hands, so just let me know and I can swing by at some point.


Active Member
I'll frag some xenia for you guys this weekend, that way it will be ready by July 12th for sure, maybe some shroom also....will see about that freaking emerald ate about 3 of them last night...into the corner overflow he goes.


Broncofish, Entice
Nice. As soon as i get some thigns going in my tank, I will repay any frags thrown my way!


Active Member
yup right near the beach, too bad im too lazy to walk 3 blocks to enjoy it
i'll try my best to give you some shrooms in return, ive been having bad luck fraggin shrooms so far
my emerald ate 90% of my zoo's, buy i was pissed off, its in the intank refuge where it actually ate all my calupera and its inmate is a nasty crab i found in my live rock


Active Member
smarls or broncofish, well if you get this by sunday morning before 11am, me and maybe some other reef people will be meeting in Nippon at 11am. I'll probably be the only 19 year old chinese guy there but if no one claims or trades me anything for the halmeda, you can have it or whats left of it. The guy im trading with will probably have xenias for 5 bucks or for trade
If you make it and you actually see me. Tell me who you are
sorry acro is claimed for, unless the guy flakes out