Well if the three of us get $25 we can do this!
I would just wait untill they get their new stock in since their sold out on allot.
Do either of you know when that is?
Well ill spend at least 25 so once they restock we should place the order, should one person use their card and the other 2 give cash upon arival?
How should we do this?
Ok so were up to a few guys... this is great!
How do you guys want to organize the money? phenetix9@hotmail.com
I can be reached there very easily if im home.
By the way im in the Mahwah area, Bergen County
actually it's crackafella,
cause my wife tells me that a crack habit would be cheaper than this hobby. bring cash, check or waterproof PC endcaps. if its ok with everyone else, we need to put a list together of what we need. email me at hamuskinny@aol.com
Im huessing if you want in email Alti with your Info and list of things, then we pick it up at his house and we bring cash or check. Im hoping SWF restocks their supplies soon