anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?


ok. I know there's a lot of hype on the topic of scrubbers, and for good reason: they work.
my problem is I need one, and don't have the time, tools or skills to build one.
what I am asking for is if someone (possibly in the So. Illinois area, or wherever if they can ship it) to build me a PVC waterfall scrubber setup.
I have a sump underneath my DT so dimensions are somewhat flexible.
the main tank is a 125 reef with a MegaFlow model 4 sump.
if anyone could possibly help out send me a message to discuss further details.
thanks in advance,


Ohhh cmon now.. somebody on here gotta be helpful lol. besides, I don't have an arm OR a leg in my wallet - maybe a couple $20's


Well-Known Member
Costs $75 just for materials. that's not including shipping and handling or labor fee...
I have one ahead of you, actually. But, I won't be able to get to his until after the new year.


Well-Known Member
Hey...aren't we looking for a good deed build? This thread smacks of just what we have been aching for.


There are a few measurements that would need to be had. How much food do you feed a day?
Go by this right here...
1 frozen cube per day (2-sided screen), or
1/2 frozen cube per day (1-sided screen), or
10 pinches of flake food per day (2-sided screen), or
5 pinches of flake food per day (1-sided screen), or
10 square inches (60 sq cm) of nori per day (2-sided screen), or
5 square inches (30 sq cm) of nori per day (1-sided screen), or
0.1 dry ounce (2.8 grams) of pellet food per day (2-sided screen), or
0.05 dry ounce (1.4 grams) of pellet food per day (1-sided screen)
Based on the above numbers how many times larger would your screen need to be than the above example?


1-2 frozen cubes per day or 5-10 pinch of flakes ; I alternate. and I think I've heard the screen should have 1 sq in of area per gal of water?? if so it'd need to be 2 sided 10"X10" in. I'm guessing?


the ratio has been changed from a gallon of water per inch to how much you feed, based on what I listed above.
Makes sense, if you have a 5 gallon tank and you feed the crap out of it you're going to need more filtration than a 100 gallon tank that only gets a cube every three days.


Yes. I DO alternate to give a variety... heard it discourages pickiness. jus said a full cube to give the worst nutrient amount.


Well-Known Member
Good deeds are rare to come by anymore.. but it'd sure be nice to get a Solid from somebody. lol
You must be a democrat. Lol


I can probably build you one after the holidays when I have a bit more time to myself if thats not too late.
I'll just do the PVC part with the screen, You supply the pump (this will be based off the screen size, or the screen size will be based off your pump.)
But I'll need to know how long to make the screen and that will dictate how high to make the legs so the bottom of the screen is touching the water in the sump.
Let me know if that will work.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Jstdv8 http:///t/393707/anyone-interested-in-building-a-scrubber-for-me#post_3503941
I can probably build you one after the holidays when I have a bit more time to myself if thats not too late.
I'll just do the PVC part with the screen, You supply the pump (this will be based off the screen size, or the screen size will be based off your pump.)
But I'll need to know how long to make the screen and that will dictate how high to make the legs so the bottom of the screen is touching the water in the sump.
Let me know if that will work.
A new hero there anything I could do to pitch in? I have some screen's the plastic stuff you can purchase at Walmart, I think it's used for cross stitching, from what I read, it has to be roughed up a bit to be useful.