Anyone interested in Nassarius Snails


Active Member
I ordered too many of these snails and was wondering if anyone was interested in buying any of them? I was thinking around $.75ea and I think I can do shipping to anywhere in mainland U.S. for between $10-$20 by ups second day maybe less if I can talk my wife into helping me and shipping by USPS. I am going to try the LFS first but let me know if you are interested.


Active Member
Well a few months ago I may have been interested but it seems I have a ton of them that have been born in the tank. Seems nassarus are pretty prolific, as the entire sand bed comes alive with teeny tiny ones when I feed frozen almost makes it look like the sand itself is moving.....


are they true nass? or are they the rymes with

ones? i have tons of the

ones and i would like the white ones for my reef tank. let me know id be interested in the white ones thanks jason


Originally Posted by natclanwy
I ordered too many of these snails and was wondering if anyone was interested in buying any of them? I was thinking around $.75ea and I think I can do shipping to anywhere in mainland U.S. for between $10-$20 by ups second day maybe less if I can talk my wife into helping me and shipping by USPS. I am going to try the LFS first but let me know if you are interested.

I am interested, especially if you can ship cheaper. How big? I don't need too many though. Email me:


Active Member
How many is to many? I have 100-150 in my 55 and they do their jobs nicely with no impact on the tank.


Active Member
I have a 40gal tank and not much rockwork and all I can see is snails so I need to thin them out a little. I was supposed to split this order with a friend and he backed out so I had to take them all.


New Member
I know this thread hasn't been active in over a week, but I was wondering if you still have any of these snails available? If so, I'm interested. Will you quote me a price to ship to zip code 15521? Thanks


Active Member
My LFS wants theses snails but she wants to see them before she gives me an offer and I want give her first pick since she is local and I won't have to mess with shipping plus she just opened this store a couple of months ago and is really trying hard to be competive with her prices so I would like to support her as much as I can. If she won't offer at least what I paid for them I will get rid of them here though. Thank you for the intrest I won't probably won't be able to go back out the LFS until Sat. since I have to go back to work tommorrow but I will let everyone know one way or the other by Sunday.