anyone know about a moonlight?


anyone know of a moonlight 24hr light system? 10k and actinics and then when off, there are four 1-watt lights that simulate moonlight. anyone know pro and/or cons of this or the quality??


why leave it on all day? why not just after the actinics go out? the pros and cons of a moon light, or the way you said too leave the moon lights on 24/7?


sorry, i guess i was too flighty...
it has the 10k and actinic pcs and then when you turn those off (at night or whenever) there are just four 1-watt tiny lightbulbs in there that stay on all the time to simulate moonlight. like a nightlight for fish. i was askin the pros/cons of this fixture.
the lfs said its good for spawning and i was just wondering if there were other things good or bad about it. or if there really is no difference other than looking really cool at night.


Active Member

Originally posted by ClaireEP
the lfs said its good for spawning

Myth in my's the moons gravitational pull, not it's reflected light, that effects tides and spawning. Corals still spawn when there are too many clouds to even see the moons reflected light. I consider moonlights basically useless aside from looks at night.....and I do like the way they look
....they don't hurt anything......about the same as having lights on in the house when the tank lights go out. I personally like the blue ones folks get...I don't have any, but wouldn't mind getting some.:)


Active Member
Not sure of the moonlights you are referring to but I've used a blue rope light before and left it on 24/7. I like moonlights because you can watch the night life easier...


Active Member
If you are going to putin "moonlighting" I HIGHLY recommend putting in a blue (or red, if you prefer) rope light. You can find them just about anywhere, Walmart, Target, HD, Lowes, Kmart, where ever. They cost around 10$. Since they are just for looks, you don't need the 100$+ "official" moonlights. I have a 6 foot blue rope light in my tank, and I have been very happy with it. I leave it on 24/7 for convenience, but you could also put it on a timer to come on at night only.


Can someone explain about the blue or red rope lights. Is it like the new xmas light ropes? And how do you put them on your tank? Around the outside edge?
Sounds cool but need more info:D


Active Member
Yep, just like the new Christmas lights. I had them over the 55g. I screwed in some hook "things :confused: " and tie wrapped it up inside the canopy. I have not put them above the 125 yet.


I think I'm going to try that. Which would be better blue or red?
And I just wrap the outside of the tank on the front?


I love my moonlites. I am not sure how good a pciture will come out, but i will try to take one tonight with the "night vision" thingy (technical term) on.


Active Member
I attached mine with the plastic clips it comes with. I have a 6 foot light, folded in half, so that I have essentially 2, 3 foot strips right next to each other. I have the two halves attached together with small zip ties. The advantage of having the lights close together is that you get some rippling effect. The reason you see rippling with MH and not flourescent is that the light is more centralized with the MH, as opposed to the flourescent that basically cover the top of the tank. If that doesn't make sense let me know, and I'll go take a pic of my setup. As far as color, I'd go with blue, just cause I'm always after the natural look. But, red has the advantage that, at least reportedly, the animals can't see red light, so they think they are in the dark. Red looks cool too, just that I always want things to look as much like nature as possible. They also have white rope lights which would also give a natural look, I'd imagine.


Active Member
killer idea! I have wanted the moonlights for awhile now but didnt want to drop the $$$ to get them, thought about trying to make my own but s*#t, I have one of those blue rope lights sitting in the closet right now! Thanks for the info!


I guess I will have to wait for xmas to roll around:( Went to walmart tonight and they do not have any.
But you can bet I will get some somewhere:D


The LED moonlights by custom sealife are cool. They shimmer on the bottom like a full moon. If you leave them on 24/7 would that be like living in Alaska where it never gets all the way dark?


I just got the custom sealife 24 hour system for my nano. I got it off ---- for almost cost from a store dealer on there. If you are interested in getting one of these, contact me and I'll give you the guys name.
I love it so far... I'm gonna get timers tomorrow to setup the lights to simulate a real light setting. Have the actinics on to simulate dusk and dawn and then turn the moonlites on at night ...moonlites are sooooooo sweet. I like the way it shows the ripples from the water on my sandbed. Don't care if it doesn't do anything like they claim it promotes spawning, it looks really cool and beats a dark tank. Most of my inverts hide during the day because my damsels are mean... but with the moonlites I get to watch them before I go to bed.