Anyone know about Green Wolf Eels?


I've been seeing this "Green Wolf Eel" at my local ***** for at least two months now and since my sfe commited suicide a couple of weeks ago my tank looks and feels so empty.I'm just wondering if anyone's heard of them and most importantly are they reef safe?Thank you.


Thanks guys..BUT will it eat my inverts or damage my reef??I'm planning on picking it up if I see it there again,Any help is very appreciated.


I have one about 8in long, I love him, the coolest (fish) i've had yet. He stays in the open most of the time unlike alot of eels, follows me as I move around the room. You look at most fish swimming around, But You WATCH this one. BUT, forget any smaller fish. He dosn't bother my hermit. If you don't want small fish, GET HIM.
He will pretty much eat whatever he can fit in his, shell-less crabs, and any small fish.. but they are really cool fish :p


i had one...go to be about 15" long and thick. As mentioned they eat fish, and don't hesitate in eating any fish which comes close to fitting. Mine would mouth my other fishes tails to see if they fit. Out of all my fish it was the most aggressive and would rountinely hassle any newcomer to see if it was food.
They are very hardy and fairly reclusive in a busy tank. Once they become comfortable they are a good fish. Just not safe w/equal sized or smaller fish.