I live in Cambridge Springs PA. zip code 16403. I don't sell fw fish at this time but I do have wholesale supliers I can get them from. most of the local stores have so manny fw fish for sale there's not much of a market left for them. Saltwater on the outher hand is a whole diffret kettle of fish. Most stores don't want to keep stock in due to overhead, Cost of the fish, Minnimum order size from the wholesalers, and loss due to improper water and aclimation of the fish. Corals are the same way. Not the correct lighting, water and food so there losses are insane in most store tanks. If I get enough people that want items I place an order and tell them when the order will be in so they can make sure the fish go wright from the wholesaler tank to theres. That way the fish get as little stress as posible and have a much higher survival rate, as they don't have to be aclimated 2 or 3 times before they get to the new owners tank. It also keeps over head to a minnimum.