Anyone know of anything that eats Xenia?


I have an outbreak of xenia mostly pom pom. I can't remove the rock due to it holding up allot of my structure. I tried everything under the sun, kalk, stop aptaisia and pealing it off. It always comes back.
Are there any fish out there that will devour xenia or any inverts?
Fragging it isn't an option either as I have no room to grow it out....
Anyone ever see anything eat this stuff.


Active Member
Well, congrats, you have a good running system there. Most people post about how they can't grow it.
Don't really have a great suggestion, depending on what else is in the tank, but any angel that is not reef safe will make for a very happy and fat angel.


Thanks I think I left out the worst part. The tank is mostly 90% SPS dominant.
I did a search here and read about emeralds hitting it. I also was told by someone that they were growing xenia in their prop tank. They added some peppermint shrimp to the tank for extra clean up and they tore the xenia apart. Weird?
Finally I was told but am afraid to do this. Someone on -- suggested that to take a coral and dip it a Fluke Tab dip, don't rinse the coral and return it to the tank. The small amount of left over fluke dip on the coral will whipe out the xenia the next day. My only conern is I have some zoo's and a nice toadstool that I am afraid this method will effect them?
I hate the stuff to the point I just want to rip the tank down and start over.. ARGGG .
Some people don't realize just how bad this coral can spread thru a tank. I think pom pom is the worst too. Its everywhere.


I have a few rocks covered in it, I want it to take over my tank. It wont over grow your other corals. - Least that I know of. - Makes for a very cool looking tank if you have a wave maker.


I have a coral beauty and no luck there. Also xenia will eventually smother your corals from blocking light to getting to them. Especially SPS....


I had a domino damsel that wiped out my pom pom xenia. Made me so mad I got rid of the fish!


Active Member
Too bad you can't sell the rock. That's the way to go. I sold a rock with 12 stalks on it to my lfs for $120 last week. I just sell the rocks and add a new piece in it's place. And add some rubble next to the xenia so that it grows on it and Ta-Da... a little frag.


Spankey ... I know that this will probably sound odd to you, but I've been looking to get some xenia. Would you consider fagging some?


Active Member
Originally Posted by scgator
Spankey ... I know that this will probably sound odd to you, but I've been looking to get some xenia. Would you consider fagging some?

No doubt....Mail away..I will take all of it you dont want..


Active Member
Originally Posted by scgator
Spankey ... I know that this will probably sound odd to you, but I've been looking to get some xenia. Would you consider fagging some?
I'm hoping that was just misspelled.


Active Member

Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
I'm hoping that was just misspelled.

Didnt even notice that...Good eye


Active Member
Originally Posted by scgator
Grouper ... Thank you for the best laugh I've had today. I guess I should proof-read my posts, huh?

Yeah sorry, I just couldn't let that one go by. Especially with a name like spankey in there. Too easy.


Active Member
xenia should peel right off rock, chuck it out, i haven't chucked out mire, or give it to a lfs......

coral keeper

Active Member
Well, you can get a torch coral because when they get mad or some other coral touches the torch coral it will take out its sweeper tentacles and burn the xenia alive, so its going to be a sting war in your tank pretty much. Take out some xenia in the middle of the colony and place the torch right there. Cant SPS corals also take out sweeper tentacles and burn up the xenia?


Nah can't frag it. It doesn't ship well. I had some die in a 40 minute drive. It just melted to nothing....
It doesn't peel off the rock at least the pom pom. Plus its so slimey how would you even get a grip to tear it. I tried tweezers but they just rip it apart.
I might try the domino though...


xhappy, hmmm thats a thought but don't they eat other corals too? Did you have anything else, zoo's sps?


Try this, slowly tear off the xenia from the rock. If done with patience you will get most of it, then use superglue gel on a qtip and cover any trace left behind. It worked for me. I now only keep both xenia and starburst on islands of rock in the sand bed to keep them off the main rock work.