Anyone know of this type of lionfish


Active Member
Ya know wat, I dont think that the pterois volitans get as chunky as the other volitans. They stay a bit slimmer, but their fins are still long. Im thinking, since his fins arent supposed to grow much, he should be all right in my tank for a while. I think these guys get longer, not fuller.


so far everyon has shown P volitans, no Russells.
Anyway, i would expect all the Volitans to end up similar looking, Large thick bodies and shorter pectoral fins. I've not seen an adult Volitans maintain the look of a juvie fish w/ long flowing pec fins.
be smart keep your hands out of the tank.

beach bum


so far everyon has shown P volitans, no Russells

I beg to differ, but my pic has one of each in it, the differences can clearly be seen.
But to avoid all this why doesn't everyone just go out and buy Reef Fishes Vol. 1 and read pages 504 thru 506
, and then we will all be better at distinguishing them for ourselves.


I stand corrected. Infact you and Chandler both have posted P russells. I didn't see Chandlers critters as the images didn't load for me on my home computer.
Yes thats right you have a smaller P Russells in the lower right of your first photo. His rear end is facing which aids in identifying this fish. No spots on the caudal fins. A very clear difference once you've seen these fish


Active Member
So mine IS special then? So I wasnt telling him for nothing. GREAT, at least Nick wont be dissapointed. So, I have a russels then? Nick should be called russel then?


Chandler- No your lion is a P volitans, the one I'm talking about is the photo you posted from Mike (Conogre) his is a P. Russells.
Don't worrry your fish is special, and you can call him what you'd like