Anyone know the name of this movie...


Active Member
I saw it when I was about 10 (around 1982). It was on T.V and it was about a house that loved this girl. Some old lady was calling her Margret (But I don't think her name was Margret) Anyone that tried taking the girl away was killed. The old lady was blown into the pool, that became boiling hot, some guy was tieing his tie in front of a mirror and the mirror exploded and killed him, and another guy had his fireplce rocks fall on him and at the very end the driveway gate crushed the car and wouldn't let it leave.
ANy one know this movie?? IT'S BEEN DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!


Active Member
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!THANK YOU!! Thats the movie. I've been telling my husband about it for years and he thinks I'm crazy. Now I can rent it and watch it again. Of course this time it won't scare the pants off me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
No problem. Glad I could help. I guess it makes up for the wrong I've done here today.
Don't be so hard on yourself....(that's why we're here!!!!)


Originally Posted by socal57che
Don't be so hard on yourself....(that's why we're here!!!!)

Lol, I was actually being sarcastic, but that got a good laugh out of me.