Anyone know what this is?


Ok, so as I am unable to get a photograph of these things in my tank I managed to find a picture online that almost identically resembles what I am trying to id.. The only difference is that mine are pure white (there is almost a blue cast to them), more transparent, and their bases are really skinny with no coloration difference.
Anyone know what these are?


You know I have looked at every picture I can of those aipstasa things and to me they don't even come close to resembling them... I guess they come in many different forms...


You might want to check if it is aiptasia by touching it. If it retracts then it is an aiptasia. If it is then you might want to get rid of it asap by either injecting kalkwasser into it or getting a peppermint shrimp. Now, suppose it is not aiptasia, then it might be a bleached yellow polyp. It has that shape, too. But keep in mind aiptasia comes in many different forms.


So, hmmmm... Aipstasia? Hydroids? Polyps? Other? So many possibilites! That's why I love this addiction (oops) hobby!


Active Member
Those are hydroids, the colonial form of them. I have tons in my tank and they seem to spread. I am at the point where I do not think that I can eradicate them, however they have not bothered anything . . . yet.


i have a little patch of them that live in my tank. they havent really spread too much yet, and i hope they wont. i believe that they pack a pretty powerful sting though if they get too close to corals.


Well, I guess I will just wait and see... I have a handful of individuals in my tank that are really tiny and no where near one and other... So far none of the pictures I have seen of hydroids really resemble mine, but they have similar properties... There is also an anemone called a lined anemone that looks similar as well!
Thank you everyone for all your help!!! And as always, if someone has any other thoughts feel free to post!!!


Active Member
Here's another positive vote for it being hydroids. I've had them as well. Not a problem unless they start growing all over the place. Hydroids are the colonial, uh, sessile stage of a jellyfish, in this case a very small species which rarely moves on to the next phase of floating in the water column.


These are known as Hydrozoan Polyps or otherwise Hydroids.
Attached is another picture that identically matches those in my tank!!!!


Active Member
I agree they are hydroids. There are some Nudibranches that eat hydroids but I am not sure which ones?