Anyone know what this is?


I got this on a piece of rock from the LFS. The first pic is what it looked like 2 years ago with the red circle around it. Well I got rid of that rock but I chipped off the piece with the hitchhiking coral on it and glued higher up in my rock work. Well look at this thing today! (2nd and 3rd pics) It has really taken off since putting up high on the halides. I like it but I have no clue what it is. Anyone???



i have no idea what it is but I once got one too as a hitchhiker and it managed to survive for a while than i never saw it again.....


Active Member
Can you get a close picture of the coral itself, so that some detail of the polyps can be seen?


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
its an elkhorn monti i believe.
that would be an appropriate name as it does look just like elk horns