Anyone know where i can get a whitemouth moray?


I can't seem to find that much info or anyone that sells them no the internet. Anyone have any info on them (how big they get is one i would like to know?), or where u can buy them it would be appreciated. If u can't post because of conflicting websites my email is


Active Member
I havent seen anywhere to get them, online.
Where are you located? I know of one store, in Chicago that has one...labeled as a Hawaiian Comet Eel...they were asking $149, which is cheap.
I've had my Whitemouth for over 2 years. They'll max out around 4.5' - 5', in the wild. I've never known anyone to own one, so I'm not sure about max. length in the home aquaria. Some people say anywhere from 3' - 5'.
Any other questions that you have about them, just ask.


Originally Posted by AW2
I havent seen anywhere to get them, online.
Where are you located? I know of one store, in Chicago that has one...labeled as a Hawaiian Comet Eel...they were asking $149, which is cheap.
I've had my Whitemouth for over 2 years. They'll max out around 4.5' - 5', in the wild. I've never known anyone to own one, so I'm not sure about max. length in the home aquaria. Some people say anywhere from 3' - 5'.
Any other questions that you have about them, just ask.
Well, ty for the info because i now realize that my tank is too small, and the price is too high, and the drive to chicago is too long.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
I havent seen anywhere to get them, online.
Where are you located? I know of one store, in Chicago that has one...labeled as a Hawaiian Comet Eel...they were asking $149, which is cheap.
I've had my Whitemouth for over 2 years. They'll max out around 4.5' - 5', in the wild. I've never known anyone to own one, so I'm not sure about max. length in the home aquaria. Some people say anywhere from 3' - 5'.
Any other questions that you have about them, just ask.
i've seen some but not sure if site is legal here goes


Active Member
Probably not alright to list links to other online fish stores.
That's alright though, cause what they're selling as a Whitemouth Moray doesnt look like one at all.
They also say a 55gal. tank is ok for it...4' - 5' long Moray, in a 55gal??...I'd hope not.
They also say it will eat crustaceans, which is incorrect.


Active Member
It's weird cause that one has almost perfect white SPOTS on it.
All the Whitemouths that I have ever seen have the irregular yellow patterns, like mine does...not white spots.