Anyone know where to get Southdown in Los Angeles area?


Active Member
I've been going nuts trying to find some. A friend told me about a place in Chino Hills that can get it and will sell it for $15 per bag. Can't find it in any Home Depot near me, or anywhere else. $15 sounds like a lot to me.
I hate to bring up this topic again, because there have been so many posts about it, but I am at a loss.
Anyone know of any places to get it?


Active Member
They have Home Depots, but I have not been able to find one that carries Southdown. From what I understand, it is more of an East Coast item in Home Depot.


Hang in there buzz. I talked to SouthDown and they were just bought out by a much larger company and are in favor of going nationwide if they can get stores to carry it. What it will take is enough reefers going to Home Depot and request it. They will also sell to any business, but usually by the truckload which is something like 800 or 1000 bags. I live in nowheresville Michigan and the one store in the state that carries it happens to be in town (I'm lucky). If this tiny LFS can carry it, any LFS can do it. Most of the cost in your area would be shipping/trucking however. One avenue would be to try to talk your LFS into carrying it. If east coast Home Depots can carry it for $3.29 per bag, even with a freight cost, a LFS could sell it for $10-15 per bag and still make a profit.
Just out of curiosity, have you asked Home Depot if they can order you some?
P.S. It's also a very safe sand for a sandbox. It's not silica based, so it's what the "in the know" people use. You could also try that angle with Home Depot.


Active Member
No...I haven't asked Home Depot to order it. I guess I'll look in to that.
Thanks for the support!