anyone know where you can buy a sea turtle?


I have no clue what the guy above me said, try speaking in proper English. I think it was something about hollaring at him, I dont think anyone was seriously mad at the guy. This is one of those humorous threads gone bad I think.


Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
hum.... i with 4916... gezzz he just wanted a turtle .... mang u guys get all mad over something that was ment as a innocent question.. i mean... yeah they are going extinct.. heck lots of thing are going extict.. dont mean u cant have 1.. i dont recamend it but...... anyhow.. u guys are hollering at him like he actually did something wrong!!! heck mad it if u guys never had bad intetions even tho u know it's wrong ( like for u guyz!! always eyeing girl like they are i dint know what ... u know u what to bring thm home.. heck i do that all the time...) not to mention your probaly already taken....

Filueghr nioeruf guby uilqw lebfhvwyq khfreuigy!!!
Speak English, O habla Espanol, or any recognized language for that matter. You lose all credibility with your idiotic jibberish. Even IM saavy people don't understand that.


Active Member
you gotta admit if they weren't completely all gone, it would be sweet as all get out to have a baby turtle swimming in your tank with your other fish.


Couldnt do it in a reef. Way too messy animals. Ever try keeping a freshwater aquatic turtle? The water quality would always be in the red. Then you have to supply the food. Leatherbacks eat loads of jellyfish, because they are so critically endangered there has been a noticable rise in the jellyfish populations. Hawksbills, one of the smaller ones, only eats sponges. The rest eat a variety of crustaceans in large amounts. And we think mandarins are hard to keep fed.


Active Member
I dont honestly understand why so many people in here are upset over a simple question, and the joke i made. God gave us dominion over animals for a reason. You have to understand that. Its a silly turtle. Second im assuming those of you who are so offended, also have no problem eatting cows,pigs,chickens etc. An animal is an animal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
I dont honestly understand why so many people in here are upset over a simple question, and the joke i made. God gave us dominion over animals for a reason. You have to understand that. Its a silly turtle. Second im assuming those of you who are so offended, also have no problem eatting cows,pigs,chickens etc. An animal is an animal.

God also gave you a brain so that you can use it. God gave us 'dominion' over animals so that we could try to save them if they are going extinct. We eat cows/pigs/chickens because we raise them and there are 10000000000000000 of them. We do not eat sea turtles because there are 100 of them. We do not keep sea turtles in our reef tanks because there are 100 of them in the entire world. We also do not keep cows/pigs/chickens in our reef because they usually cannot swim unless you slowly acclimate them over several hundred years in hopes that they'll evolve and grow webs on their feet and a pair of gills..
btw I do not know how many sea turtles there are.. im sure its more than 100.. but they are a species on the edge of extinction.. so instead of you asking 'how can I get one of these things in my reef'.. ask 'does anybody know how I can donate a couple bucks to the -save the sea turtles of the world association-'.
God did not give you 'dominion' so that you can have a sea turtle in your fish tank.


Active Member
dude, i DID NOT KNOW THEY WERE ENDANGERED!!!!!!!!!!!. And no i do not care about animals i care about people. I would rather donate money to the starving children in Africa then some stupid sorry my fish tank is a toy, something for me to look at, if im giving money away it will be to help the many MANY starving people around the world that are dying all the time.
sorry for putting things on a realistic level for ya. but people are more important then animals.


I agree.... everyone chill... this is no big deal he will not get his hands on a sea turtle.... I promis.


Active Member
seriously, i dont even want one anymore, i wanted one thinking there were 1098-0973094723894723 of them. but i guess theres like 2. so its not even worth it.


New Member
he is right about the animal thing. if anyone has any thing to say about saving people than animals i'll talk anyone out so .....


Originally Posted by Jer4916
anyone know where you can buy a sea turtle?
Have you ever considred a fly river turtle ? They are fresh water turtles but fully aqaurtic and look the exact same a s a sea turtle.