Anyone like board games?

I am such a board game fanatic and have always played them with my family and relatives. When I met my boyfreind I was suprised to learn that he hates board games and his whole family thinks im crazy for loving them..... I dont know if its just different families or if im just a big nerd... Anways. I love Trivial Pursuit, and Tri bond, and speed scrabble, and card games... everything
Anyone else nerdy like me?


Active Member
payday, sorry, life. wifey and i play one of those at least a couple times a month. tell your bf to go take a hike.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seeinstars89
I am such a board game fanatic and have always played them with my family and relatives. When I met my boyfreind I was suprised to learn that he hates board games and his whole family thinks im crazy for loving them..... I dont know if its just different families or if im just a big nerd... Anways. I love Trivial Pursuit, and Tri bond, and speed scrabble, and card games... everything
Anyone else nerdy like me?
Wow, can you say NERD?

Just kidding...I haven't played any board games in a looong time, but did enjoy them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
"Risk" is my favorite.........
This is the only board game I play, lots of fun!


Active Member
risk is great....just about anything minus the stand up and show how stupid you are games i like....Rook is definitely top of the list for card euchre but better.


Active Member
If you really want to try some good games find yourself a good game store and not a toy store and try out Settlers of Catan or Carcassonne. They are both fantastic. I am also a big fan of Risk in all its various forms, my favorite being Risk 2210


MONOPOLY! longest game in the world but totally addicted! when i was younger i tried collecting all the special edition monopoly games. I just bought the Monopoly Here and Now version and me, my roommate and bf play it sometimes. They prefer Scrabble tho - even tho I KICK THEIR BUTTS AT SCRABBLE!
I'm a competitive person, I like anything I'm good at :)
I am horribly competetive and maybe thats why he does not like to play with me :) But he does like monopoly (i have the LOTR version) he will also play chess and checkers....
On MSN messenger they have this great thing where you can play games with people you are messaging so my mom and I play Upwords which is like scrabble and its alot of fun! She is in a diff city so we think its a great invention!