Anyone live in missouri...frags

Does anyone live in missouri...i have a few coral that i would like to trade or sale? I have kenya tree...lots, green button polyps, brownish red mushrooms, and I might frag my frogspawn..i will have to learn how though. I just thought local trade or pickup would be easier, but I can see what we can do...I will post picstures later.


Active Member
I am in ft leonardwood. I hit spirngffield a lot and saint louis as well. I occcassionaly hit kc as my sister nephews grandma etc all live up there.
I am interested in another blind frag trade as reefkprz is doing but it is across the country. I would like to get a local one going as it would be much cheaper shipping and also much much faster. Any of you all interested in it ?
I will pm anyone my number so we can talk corals. I am a noob so do not expecct me to know everything you say :) I do know enough to not get taken to the cleaners howevver :)


Active Member
I was born in joplin and have friends there. Send me your number and we can discuss it ? I can give mine ouut if you prefer and will here ass a matter of fact. 956-266-9640 that is my cell name is brent and yes I will trade and have things to trade.


Active Member
I was born in joplin and have friends there. Send me your number and we can discuss it ? I can give mine ouut if you prefer and will here ass a matter of fact. that is my cell name is brent and yes I will trade and have things to trade.
I no longer have the kenya tree or colt red mushrooms in a trade for those
I still have a few zoos and green buttons if anyone lese is interested in trading. Thanks


Active Member
Meeting sly65sally200 and family today as they are traveling to my house to pic up half a frag pack we went on and bought on a :e: site. I will say if sly65sally200 says they are going to send you money or anything they can be trusted they paid me almost before I bought it without knowing my name where I lived anything. I am not saying this for peope to take advantage but to let people know they are trustworthy.
We will be trading and doing business with fats71 in near future...very nice to open your home and trade frags..Thanks for everything. Anyone reading this...You don't have to have worry bout any kind of trade or business with them.


Active Member
seriously was a honor to meet ya'll.
I love having you all come out on the 2 plus hour drive and the stuff you brought me was beautiful and I love having half your tank in mine lol.
You guys brought sme awsome pieces and I am proud to show them off.
I will be calling anninafish to see if she can make the 2 hour drive from the other side of Missouri to come check them out.
Anyone else around who wants to do sme trading ?? I would love to get a group of us missourians together once a month. Have a host house. Start at one and the next month somen elses. make new friends bbq whatever.
I know we have a pool great for standing in and a nice size grill and we always have a freezer full of elk, buffalo, crappy and other fine fine hillbilly foods to choose from.
Lemme know if anyone is interested in setting something up.