Anyone made shelves for LR with acrylic??


I have some left over arylic and I wanted to make some type of shelving or stands so that I can create tiers for my live rock to sit on in my 75gal. Anyone done this? Any pics out there or ideas to help me with the project....
i have been contemplating doing the same thing just with some sort of egg crate stuff. that way i could still have good flow to all areas. i would like to see how it turns out if you go for it.


Yeah, I just built a 3 tier stand for my live rock a couple of weeks ago. I used acrylic sheet with acrylic rod for the legs. Here's my pics. 50 gal. tank BTW.
Front view

Side views

Back of the stand
oh.....i see what you are saying. i thought you ment rocks, shelves, then rocks. just like a layer effect. the pedestal idea is really cool. it look amazing. i always see it being used at the LFS to display coral. there should be no downfall to that method.


I'm pretty happy with it. You can make your tank look full with less rock. It gives my tank really good flow. The powerhead that I have pointed along the back of the tank and under the rocks eliminates deadspots.


Brucoh where did you get the rod from? I like what you did. I tried with PVC but stands out too much...


I ordered it online. Just google "acrylic rod" and a bunch of plastics companies will come up. (I'd put who I got it from, but apparently they frown on putting links any other company on this website cough, cough... If you have a plastics company in the town you live in, you could probably get it there too.