Anyone need any new powerheads???

If so,

(*****.com) is having an awesome sale on Maxi-jets right now. Any size is $19.99 or 2 for $35. The 1200 normally sells for like $40. Just thought I would let you all know. I think today is the last day of the sale. Lance.


New Member
Drat! Just bought some for my Tsunami. That is a good price for the 1200's and those power heads seem to work best with wavemakers.
That's what I've heard, too. I don't have a wavemaker, but plan on getting one eventually. They supposedly startup quieter than most of the others.


$40 for a maxi 1200 where have you been buying them. has them regularly priced at $20.99


Those sell for 18.95 at Marine Depot. I bought 4 and a few more items, was shipped free (I think, if you're a registered member only).

nm reef

Active Member
Folks we are bordering on violation of this sites policy in regard to distracting business away from this site.........Just doesn't seem right to post info openly on the forum of a site offered free for our use by a business in direct competation with the above mentioned vendors!!!!!:rolleyes:
Question for each of you:
Would you grap the mic at say Home Depot and broadcast information about a great sales at Lowes?
If you you think the management at Home Depot would be just a tad bit pissed?!?:eek: