anyone open presents yet?

nm reef

Active Member
Good gift'll love it....I couldn't be happier with the G5 I use....well maybe I'd be happier if I could take better pics....and wrassecal....glad to hear you've got a camera again. I miss shots from your neck of the woods...
Santa was very good to me...the 10 frags from a fellow recliner with massage & heat...cloths...and the kids got lots of great stuff. The wife got a beautiful pearl set...diamond bracelet...and a new dish washer(hers was shot)...been a great Christmas and I hope y'all enjoyed yours as much as we did ours. Best part of the day was 36 family and friends over to the house for a huge Christmas dinner....gotta love havin' friends and family over!


I fall walking from the car to my fiances dads house and I broke my 1 month old digital camera
I managed to get it to work but the lens cover doesn't close when you shut it off anymore and its alittle bent up now


Active Member
I got my first ever order from
5 peppermint shrimp
5 emerald crab
4 mexican turbos
yellow gorgonian
ricordia mushroom
umbrella mushroom
NFL 2k5 for Xbox
Seinfeld 1 and 2 on DVD
$50 (that'll go towards a coral probably)
a set of king sized mattresses (that lead to $2000 worth of new bedroom suit, ick)
pretty much everything else I got was clothes. I agree with whoever said getting clothes for christmas sucks. I've got a little one year old nephew and we were the only ones to get him a toy, everybody else got him clothes. clothes for christmas for a one year old. I'm 28 years old and I still only want toys.
yeah, and my friend got me a Johnny Cash t-shirt, that's pretty good clothes, but any other clothes as gifts pretty much suck


Staff member
NMR, it was a very good Christmas. I just put in my 3rd and final load of dishes from the Christmas dinner!
So stuffed, I think I'll have to roll into bed tonite. :jumping:


I got a wet/dry filer, 125 gallon tank, some sand, asyymetric trumpet mouthpeice, trumpet case, beatles cd, and some candy:jumping: :jumping:


Active Member
Beth - you definately scored with the G6! Marine son #2 got in tonight and we just finished our 3rd round of Christmas. I think we are finally done. Now we get to all play with our new toys. According to my new Movado watch it's 12:58 almost time to turn in. I don't think I can make til the the "party" kids get back here to play another round of "Scene It". That game is pretty fun.
NM - I'm going to check out how the new camera is on tank shots, maybe I'll get a few posted in the next day or so.:D


Active Member
i got a 18volt dewalt xrp hammerdrill (main thing i wanted, very usefull in my job)
100 bucks cash from faimly
best buy gift card
some new clothes
nice new hooded sweatshirt
some dvds from my aunt i still got to go to her house and get
a new xd picture card for my cam, nice to go from 16 megs, to 64
just some mic other things, lol there was a box of condoms in my stocking, i thought that was really funny.. my parents are nuts.