anyone order maxima from



i just want to know if anyone had bought the maxima clams on the u build it section. please post picks and comments. thanks.


i just got 3 clams from them yesterday they all great and doing well traded 1 to a friend for 3 frags and put 2 with my other 2 ill post pics soon when my lights come on :) ,each was a different color and all of high quality


Active Member
I have ordered one it looks great. I posted a pic of it a few days ago under my clams. I will try and find it and bump it up.


thanks guys. i really wanted to see one before i bought it. those pther sites that show u the actual clam you are buying are so expensive when you figure in the shipping and box charges. all i need for free shipping is 2 clams and one other thing. best price ive seen anywhere.


well 1 out of 3 died, but it never acted right from the beggining it was never coming out all the way but i thought it was just timid end of second night it died the others are doing well,the 1 on the right is the 1 that died ,the 1 my frind took looks like the blue 1 its fine,the 3rd is the blue 1 in my pic its great...the other 2 are clams i allready had the small is a squamosa and the large a crocea .......hope they make good on that 6 day return policy


thanks clamps,
they should make it up to you. u think the death might have been due to the cold weather. i just had 3 shipments come in and almost all of it was doa, or died within a couple of days. one of the other sites wont even ship up here until the temp gets above 32 at night. i dont blame them. its very cooooooooooooold .


yes i think weather played a big role in the death of that clam and i also think the 3 hours late that fed ex came dident help either,the order was slated to be here by noon and swf.coms email said to email them if it wasent here by 3 pm at 3:02 i was headed upstairs to mail them and i saw the fed ex truck coming...the clam that died never did extend his mantle all the way im not sure if it was weather or maybe he took a bad bump but i was real sorry to see him die he had uniqe markings for a max..:(