Anyone please help!!!

chris s

I want to change the CC in the bottom of my 125g with LS. The problem I have is that it has fish, LR and corals in it and I dont want to have to take out all of it just to replace CC. I only have CC on 1/2 of the bottom and the other half is already sand. I sould be getting a skimmer in the next couple of days, would it be better to wait for it? All of my chemicals are where they should be. I have read past threads but they were taking out UGF. Please help.


If you are already half CC and half LS might as well finish it up. Just syphon the CC out without taking the fish or rock out. Then just put the LS in a plastic cup, dip it in the water and slowly pour it out at the bottom of the tank. Do it slow so you dont end up with cloudy water. After you are done then top of the tank with fresh salt water.
If the new sand is not live sand I suggest to keep it half CC and Half sand for at least a week for the micro and macro fauna to move into the new sand. Good Luck.

chris s

thanks Sergeant. I am going to try to do this wednesday morning so if someone thinks this is a bad idea, I will check back here before I do it.


Why do you feel like you have to remove the crushed coral? Half your tank is already sand, why risk destroying your whole system and killing everything in the tank? I don't think the advantages of sand outweigh the risk. Ask (or search) Shauna how it went with her tank. She did not have a very good time doing this and killed many things. If it works, leave it alone.