Anyone regret upgrading to a bigger tank?


I'm trying to decide if I should step up to a 150 gal tank from a 46 gallon tank. Has anyone upgraded to a larger tank and regretted it? If so why? More maintenance, higher cost, etc?


Active Member
NO....go big or go bust....

Yes, cost will be more, but maintenance should be less. And s-rew up's result in a lot less damage done. One thing for sure...if you don't already have your own RODI system, you would do well to invest in one with this size tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jw1977
I'm trying to decide if I should step up to a 150 gal tank from a 46 gallon tank. Has anyone upgraded to a larger tank and regretted it? If so why? More maintenance, higher cost, etc?
Are you CRAZY? Bigger is always better

I think the biggest regret of most people who upgrade is that they don't go big enough (if there is such a thing


Well-Known Member
I upgraded from a 20 to a 90, then six 55 gallons then a 240 + eighty eight 30 gallon tanks.
Can't get enough of it! lol. I don't regret anything.


Before you upgrade, think carefully what you want to keep in your aquarium. If you have corals, you can't have some fish. If you have aggressive fish, then you can't have meeker fish, etc. So sometimes you'll be happier with several tanks (rather than one BIG tank) so that you can have different enviroments (like a species tank, an aggressive tank, a community tank, seahorses only, etc.).


Active Member
I would say it depends on what your into more, fish or coral. You'll never hear a true fishkeeper say that they regret upgrading, simply because so many awesome fish just can't be kept in a small nano or 40'ish gal tank and a bigger tank just allows us to keep more fish. I have heard plently of complaints from people krazy about korals that after upgrading they didn't really realize the true cost of owning/maintaining a larger tank for a heavy reef system. Salt costs, calcium reactor media costs, replacement bulb costs, etc... Also, you could spend about $500 for stock in a nano and have it look absolutely sick, and then you could spend $1500 in corals for a 240gal, and have people not even notice corals are in there...


Active Member
Yeah my only regret with upgrading is that I couldn't go even bigger.
The costs of proper investment in equipment for a large tank can get substantial, so beware.
yes bigger is pun implied
a couple of big tanks , a few smaller tanks and the small tanks are the most work...filters , wc , cleaning etc


Active Member
i should never have upgraded from my 75 to a 90. the darn thing is just way too deep, its hard to get to the sand...

saka bra

i had to plead my mom to get my first 30 gallon saltwater tank for my 13th birthday and said that i wont want another one, that will be it. well, it didnt take long before i wanted to upgrade. so for my next birthday, we got rid of the 30 gallon and upgraded to 150. The only regret is that it is one of the most expensive hobbys you can get into.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i should never have upgraded from my 75 to a 90. the darn thing is just way too deep, its hard to get to the sand...
This does bring up one notable negative IMO...bigger can mean deeper, and it is a pain in the butt when you can't just reach in and grab stuff like you are used to. Try not to go "deep", but if you do, expect this problem.