anyone running 0 nitrates


Active Member
water changes, fuge, and not feeding your fish everytime they come to the glass begging, along with a good skimmer and plenty of lr yup 0 nitrates in my 90


Active Member
water changes, fuge, and not feeding your fish everytime they come to the glass begging, along with a good skimmer and plenty of lr

between 0 and .5


Active Member
my levels are always 0 across the board... but then again i also use an ETSS 800 professional .. iw ouldnt run any tanks of mine without an ETSS!


Active Member
Not 0 and proud

It is certainly attainable. Is it critical in most cases? IMO, no, and trying to achieve it can take much of the joy out of the hobby.


Active Member
my tank is usually at 5 and I ma never concerned about it.
I just added a NICE large chunk of cheato put into a large Suction cup soap dish in the tank. I heard Cheato is good to lower Nitrates.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Not 0 and proud

It is certainly attainable. Is it critical in most cases? IMO, no, and trying to achieve it can take much of the joy out of the hobby.
So what are your then?


New Member
my nitrates are running at 20 to 50 did lots of water changes to. No fish in tank but citters, l100 pounds of live rock and 50 pounds of live sand . Tank beem running for 3 monts. have a all-glass megaflow sump and etss skimmers.
Btw this is a 90 gal.


Active Member
Mine are at zero, always has been. Checked with salifert and taken to lfs to verify. No matter what mine are at zero. And I over feed as well. Dunno.


Active Member
I became almost obsessed with keeping trates at 0, then when I saw my fish were getting thinner and grumpier, I realized everything was happier at 20. I stopped doing 30% water changes weekly to byweekly, and went back to daily feedings, trates are holding steady at 10, and I am ok with that.


I have a freedom filter, and Ehiem pro2, plus powerhead 1200/600/400
MH lights and water change every 2 weeks. with RO/DI water
Since adding my freedom filter they have been running at zero, before adding the freedom, they ran 10-20 but no higher. all other water is 0 cross the board. the ones that should be that is. I also test 1 time a month, inbetween water changes


Active Member
Originally Posted by chilwil84
water changes, fuge, and not feeding your fish everytime they come to the glass begging, along with a good skimmer and plenty of lr yup 0 nitrates in my 90
Same here, but in a 65. Begging fish are cute lol :happyfish


Active Member
I am at 0
1) 25% water change every 3 weeks
2) Watch the feeding. every other day at the moment
3) 280lbs of LR
4) 5 inch SB
5) EV 240 skimmer
Even at 3 weeks still at 0


Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
So what are your then?

Oh roughly 10-15. I wouldn't go over 20, cause I have corals. But otherwise, I have other things to fret about.