Anyone successfully kept a ritteri let me know



Am interested in talking to someone who has personally kept a ritteri with success. Please let me know.


Active Member
We had one at the pet shop that I work at for a while under t5!!! It did fine and grew about 2 inches larger than when it arived in about 2 months. Then we sold him.


so if you dont mind me asking....tell me what water params you maintain, lighting etc. I am unsuccessful in keeping the dang thing wanted to get some expert advice on this matter. I love ritteris ... but I guess I love them to death.....:)....I have kept BTAs with tremendous success but anything beyond that seems please share any secrets...

a. clarkii

New Member
I have. It was in my 150 gallon tank with 2x250 watt MH fixtures. Bulb combo was 6500 Kelvin and 10000 Kelvin. Kept my nitrates at 0, ammonia 0 etc.
The secret about keeping any anemone is stability, strong light, strong indrirect flow( in your case) and great water quality. Buy the anemone in good condition and acclimate it very carefully. Buying a Ritteri that doesn't look good is usaually doomed from the start.
When doing water changes, make sure the salinity and temperature match your tanks so it will not fluctuate.
Let me know if you have anymore questions.


specifically what water paramters did you maintain - like Ca, Alk, salinity, etc. How much and how frequent were your water changes. Also ever had more than one anemone in a tank from differing species? Also how long did you have your ritteri? Did it grow a great deal? Let me know.


Active Member
my fish guy has one that is in a 29 and takes up half of the tank, and they always have them in and they are just massive


Active Member
My LFS sold me a ritteri by mistake. The tank was marked BTA. I brought this guy home and he was yellow and massive.
After some research, I found out that he was infact, a ritteri and brought him back to my LFS. Also my clowns would not host and that was my purpose of getting an anemone.
He did great in my tank:
SG 1.025
PH 8.0
CA 480
Alk 7
Trates 0
trites .5
Amm 0
He was in a high flow area with lots of light. He would open completely the entire time the lights were on.
Good luck.


If I may are you maintaining your Ca and alk? Do you have a Ca reactor? And if you are dosing chemicals, how much and how often do you do it?


Active Member
well due to the fact the rittiri anenome is within the same family as the sebae i can say sorta .and scientificlly a sebae could be concidered a number of the listed below. i have kept mine for 2 yrs
Heteractis aurora
Heteractis crispa
Heteractis gelam
Heteractis hyalina
Heteractis lucida
Heteractis macrodactylum
Heteractis magnifica
Heteractis malu
Heteractis ritteri
Heteractis sp.
this link below will show some of the experiences and information about this species care .feel free to ask me anything in reguards to this species ill do all i can to help


were you going to post a link?
Originally Posted by unleashed
well due to the fact the rittiri anenome is within the same family as the sebae i can say sorta .and scientificlly a sebae could be concidered a number of the listed below. i have kept mine for 2 yrs
Heteractis aurora
Heteractis crispa
Heteractis gelam
Heteractis hyalina
Heteractis lucida
Heteractis macrodactylum
Heteractis magnifica
Heteractis malu
Heteractis ritteri
Heteractis sp.
this link below will show some of the experiences and information about this species care .feel free to ask me anything in reguards to this species ill do all i can to help


Active Member
well unleashed i see several faults in your list... there is no such thing as Heteractis Ritteri and i have never heard of Heteractis hyalina or Heteractis macrodactulum. although Heteractis Ritteri isnt anything ive heard of i have heard of Radianthus ritteri which is the same as Heteractis magnifica
sorry i only really knew about 1 of the faults but i googled the others and found out the other info


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefiness
well unleashed i see several faults in your list... there is no such thing as Heteractis Ritteri and i have never heard of Heteractis hyalina or Heteractis macrodactulum. although Heteractis Ritteri isnt anything ive heard of i have heard of Radianthus ritteri which is the same as Heteractis magnifica
sorry i only really knew about 1 of the faults but i googled the others and found out the other info
well reefiness i hate to burst your bubble of knowledge but just because you dont know know about them doesnt mean there is no such search only take you so far and then you have to dig deeper.
here is a link to the list of of anenomes all of the heteractis family i posted above
now within the family of radianthus you also have a ritteri withing thes species genus
Radianthus carlgreni
Radianthus (Antheopsis) concinnata
Radianthus crispus
Radianthus gelam
Radianthus glandulosa
Radianthus hemprichi
Radianthus knekenthali
Radianthus koesirensis
Radianthus koseirensis
Radianthus (Antheopsis) koseirensis conspersa
Radianthus (Antheopsis) koseirensis maculata
Radianthus koseiriensis
Radianthus kuekenthali
Radianthus kukenthali
Radianthus kwietniewskii
Radianthus kükenthali
Radianthus lobatus
Radianthus mabrucki
Radianthus macrodactyla
Radianthus macrodactylus
Radianthus magnifica
Radianthus malu
Radianthus papillosa
Radianthus parvitentaculata
Radianthus parvitentaculatus
Radianthus paumotensis
Radianthus ritteri
Radianthus simplex
Radianthus sp.
Radianthus spp. now what you dont realize is that there are more than one scientific name for alot of species and differnt common names given for the same . sebae is a common name its refered as leathery sea aneome which can be construde as many of the list of species i i have listed above now if you would like to know where i get my information this is the link
happy digging


Active Member
sorry to burst you bubble which you seem to think is un popable, but if you look here
it shows...
Name searched: Heteractis ritteri
Original binomen: Actinia magnifica
Valid name: Heteractis magnifica (Quoy and Gaimard, 1833)
VALID NAME shows that the heteractis ritteri is the magnifica. ok it used to be called H. ritteri but it was changed to H. magnifica
so dont yell at me because your not right all the time


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefiness
sorry to burst you bubble which you seem to think is un popable, but if you look here
it shows...
Name searched: Heteractis ritteri
Original binomen: Actinia magnifica
Valid name: Heteractis magnifica (Quoy and Gaimard, 1833)
VALID NAME shows that the heteractis ritteri is the magnifica. ok it used to be called H. ritteri but it was changed to H. magnifica
so dont yell at me because your not right all the time
but to quote your statement posted above your words here (there is no such thing as Heteractis Ritteri )THIS IS YELLING im not yelling at you..this is what you said it was
Radianthus ritteri .neither one of us is accually wrong here Radianthus ritteri seams to be more of a common scientic name than the accual scientific used in scientific research name so


Active Member
ya i noticed that too... well things vary between sources and even on the same source it can some times be misread or misinterpreted.
guess no one wins


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefiness
ya i noticed that too... well things vary between sources and even on the same source it can some times be misread or misinterpreted.
guess no one wins
my thoughts exactly .to inflate both of our bubbles of knowledge here

in this hobby its not whos right or whos wrong but to remember what you have read one place and another to interprete to the best of your ability.this hobby to me is fun due to the basic research and learning of the knowledge itself that keeps it so interesting and exiting for me


New Member
Unfortunately for the original poster, even though sebaes (H. crispa) and ritteris (H. magnifica) are in the same genus, their care in an aquarium are very different.
A sebae anemone can be kept under strong PC lighting, usually prefers in live at the rock/sand interface and likes moderate current.
Most successful ritteri keepers design tanks specifically for that anemone. Most use 250 - 400 watt Metal Halide bulbs. Because ritteris like to perch at the highest point in the tank, it is recommended that you make a peak under your light that does not touch the side glass. Otherwise the anemone will climb the glass and not look very nice all squished up against the waterline. They prefer strong surges of current, but not direct blasts from a powerhead. They are generally considered one of the two most difficult anemones to keep because of their specific needs and because they ship very poorly and it is very rare to find one good condition.


Thanks...appreciate all the responses including the tiny tiff as well...:)....I just love ritteris. When I first got into the hobby, out of ignorance, I bought a ritteri which I managed to extinguish in 3-4 days. It depressed me and I waited about 2.5 years during which time my tank established wonderfully. So finally I decided to try it again...only to face the same lasted longer but only by a week.
Great water
90 G tank
all N-paramters are 0
Ca is 450
alk is about 10 dkH
250W MH (10K) + 260W PC (mix)
aqua remora skimmer
All perfect...still maybe lacking somewhere...Sigh....:(