anyone that uses moonbeams

i was just wondering if these things are waterproof or not. do you need to use a glass top with them? just wanted to know before blowing away 70 bucks. thanks alot!


Active Member
dude i just got through hooking up my hi-light set up from wal mart and i must say they kick ass. they only cost like 25 bucks too, which is a smokin deal considering the cost of moonbeams and other night lighting set ups! i know of acouple other people on her ewho have the hi lites and i think they are really cool!
good luck


Active Member
its basicallt just a transformer that feeds a box that poweres up to five of these littel submersible LED's. they come in a bunch of different colors, but i got teh blue ones. they just kinda produce a hazy blue spot effect int he tank, liek the moon would on a clear night over a reef. very cool!
good luck
Well...I'm not much of an electrician, so I bought the moonbeams. In fact LOTS of them! I like the effect of the shimmering rippling moonlight in the tanks. I'll bet the Hi lites do the same thing for a whole lot less cash, but I wouldn't even begin to know how to hook up something like that. If you're electrically inclined, I'd sure give that a go before dumping all that money into the moonbeams.
Yes, they're waterproof.


they come fully assembled. just put them in the tank and plug them in. i think you should be able to figure out how to do that.;)


i dont have these lights, but ive seen them in many stores. you dont have to buy bulbs. everything comes with the system. heres a pic(sorry small)


Active Member
lilbuddy, i have mine set to come on as soon as my reg. lights go off and then the led's go off when the reg. lights turn on. they give teh tank a very cool bluish effect, and you can really see what goes on at night. i dont know how long they last cause thevye only been on for one night, but man does it look cool! ive got 2 blue ones in my 20 and they rock, ill try to take some pics tongiht, but will have to wait till they are developed cause i have no dig. cam!
good luck


yeah, i have those exact lights. here's the thing though. they come with wire that's about 10 feet long (may be exagerating a little) but you have to coil them up and those big coils get in the way. Another thing, those suction cups wear out. I mean, they fall off often, and if you want to replace the light back where it was, you have to clean the algae off the glass and reset the suction cup. Oh, btw, you are doing this with only one elbow per arm, knowing you could use 3 more because the lights are in a hiding spot. Oh, and the "...sweety, the spot lights fell off again!" You know where I'm going.
So this is what I did....
I took the lights and placed them on the outside back of my tank shinning on the wall behind the tank. (I don't have a backing. I use the natural coraline algae as my background) The aura that it puts on a white wall is wicked cool!


These lights sound awsome. Could I get some Pics please. I would realy like to see what this looks like in a tank.
Worm, Do you have a digital camera? Your idea sounds cool to. I would like to see it. I do not have a super walmart, maybe my regular walmart might have them?


Active Member
hey Jon,
So you got some hi lites eh? Pretty nice aren't they :) I sorta pulled a trick, I took back the green light that came with it and got a blue one. Hey no harm no foul :) Probably one of the coolest things I have gotten for my tank!
Sammy is right though, they won't make anything spawn, just makes for a really nice moonlight effect.... love the way they shimmer and make some of the corals glow.
Hey Ryan, I haven't seen anyone else post pics of the hi lites in action so I will once again post a pic of mine. I have three mounted in the canopy of my 29 gallon.

They are brighter in person but still very nice for 25 bucks. Ryan they can be bought online as well, just do a google search....but they are a bit more once you figure in shipping.


Pics hardly turn out the way it looks in person sometimes. It does look good in your pic I can see some of the highlights. I think I will try to find them at my local walmart then go online thanks for the PIC and info.


Guys, you can simulate the moon cycle pretty easy actually. If you use x.10 technology, many of the plug adapters and the programming will allow for moon phase as an option. I actually have this feature in my home (when it was wired originally). I know you can pick up the pieces at Radio Shack. Not too sure if it is really worth all that but thought I'd throw it out to you.