anyone tired of it



i wish i could get my girlfriend into it more........the only thing that would get her interested would be seahorses, or tangs.......and with my 28 gallon full of euphyllia, neither one of those is right now i'm on my own........


Active Member
My wife usaually asks me"Anything die in there/" Not surw what shes trying to sayHHHMM :thinking: We do talk about it though. She never payed any attention to it when it was freshwater, now she checks it out quite a bit. She doesnt really want to talk much, but occasionally she'll ask a question and we'll talk.So she is definetly interested in it now.
My son is very interested in it and we talk quite abit about it. And theres a couple others. Mostly I try to let them bring it up even though its hard when you're EVERY THOUGHT is consummed by it!

BTW is there a 12 step program for this somewhere?


Active Member
Originally Posted by tampausmc
i wish i could get my girlfriend into it more........the only thing that would get her interested would be seahorses, or tangs.......and with my 28 gallon full of euphyllia, neither one of those is right now i'm on my own........
Get your lady a small (10 or so) and a pair of dwarf seahorses. You'll both be hooked for good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by misfit
I hope my kids will stay in this hobby after they get older.It is a good hobby and it keeps you off the street.I'm sure your parents would rather see you send 2 hours at the LfS instead of hanging out on the street corner
A little harsh don't you I mean I didn't like fish tanks for a long time and I wasn't on the corner... I feel that you should only talk people's ears off if they do the same to you. I work at a lfs and I hate when customers come in and the first thing they do is start blabing about their tanks for 3 hours... I HAVE WORK TO DO lol


My wife loves my tank but she is starting to see it's becoming my obsession since pretty much read about my new hobby 24x7 and within 3 weeks have REALLY come up to speed as to what it really takes to have a successful tank. It's tough but F it. When I have to hear about what purses she wants or what shoes go with a dress I have to shut up and deal with it.. It's definitely a give and take.