anyone tried JJ

chat noir

New Member
has anyone tried joes juice and if so, is it a gimmic or did you have success? What were your experiences like? positive negative?

chat noir

New Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I love it. It has worked great for me when I needed to use it.
is it hard to use - can you explain to me, exactly, how you go about using it? :help:


I have it and used it when my tank got outta control... when you purchase joes juice it comes with a small syringe... all you need to do is shake the bottle up really well so the contents aren't separated then suck some into the syringe and then squeeze some of the juice onto the head of the aiptasia... you will see immediately if it worked because if you don't make it on the head it won't absorb it to the root... once I put it on my they litterally shrunk and vanished within seconds... bought a peppermint shrimp after that and haven't seen any since... GOOD LUCK