anyone up? SPAWN in my tank


Active Member
Just went over to take a look at the tank for hitchikers and low and behold there seem to be I guess 100 baby shrimp swirling around the tank. Pepper I did not know you had it in you you old girl. They look a lot like my sea monkies. Aww gosh there so cute. :jumping:
Well now what do I do with them? Fish them out and put them into another tank? Let them grow? Or just leave them there to get eaten and sucked into the filter?
I do not have another tank set up...but I could run out in the am and get one quick. Drop in an airstone and see what happens. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Do you know who they're from? Shrimp/fish etc. Anyway, the odds of you saving them are pretty slim. You would need a batch of rotifiers or whatever it is that the yound would be eating. This usually takes time. If it happened once, it'll happen again. Kinda cool huh.


Active Member
really cool. Looks like I could have saved $7 on the sea monkies. Yes I have them too. Blue plastic and everything.


If they are really shrimp spawn, there is nothing you can do -- there simply isn't any way, I don't think, that crustaceans with all their weird larval stages can come to maturity in a reef tank. They'll be eaten by morning, probably.
My cleaner shrimp lay eggs, they hatch every few nights and then they eat them themselves.
I suppose I could put some in my refugium, but I don't think that would make a diff.
Just my two cents, tho. Somebody else might be more optimistic!


Active Member
As you thought they are all gone. Eaten, filtered or hiding...I dunno. Just think if I had not been up till 2 am I would never had known. Its so cool