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If you have LR, you have bacteria.
The question is, how much bacteria. In tanks with not a lot of bioload, that bacteria will die back as the population does not exceed the food (ammonia, nitrite) available.
If that has happened, and you suddenly increase that load, you will get excess ammonia which is highly stressful to fish.
So you are FAR better off to "challenge" the biological filter by adding excess food or a raw shrimp. If the bacterial populations are enough to meet that demand, you will see no ammonia or nitrite production. If it is not, then you will, and the tank will "cycle." It is far better to find it out this way, then with costly animals.
Thanks! I think I've got it now. It didn't occur to me that the bacteria would die back w/o something to eat.
Thanks for your patience - and everyone else for helping me see the light! I'll drop a shrimp in there. Of course, I have 6 hermits in there now, so I'm afraid they'l eat the shrimp before it has a chance to do anything. Maybe if I keep it out of their reach...
thanks again - I'm really not trying to hurry along, I was just confused.