anyone use tap water?


Active Member
I used tap for my FOWLR tank for over a decade with no problems. When I started keeping corals I switched to RO water. It does really depend on the quality of the tap water, though, so check to see what your city is using.


i only use tap with water conditioner, II mix the salt then the conditioner and add it to the tank. Never had a problem


I just took a small glass of tap water, and used a test strip (I have a pool, so I have the test strips for chlorine) and it tested at 0.0 for Chlorine...I dont think I will have a problem if I decided to use my tap water
I will check it again before I put my salt into it and again afterwards.
take care, and good luck


I used tap water when I first started off, but had a couple of major blooms with it. Here in AZ, we have really hard water so a lot of conditioning is generally needed. I just run up to the store and us the RO dispenser up there to get my weekly water changes / evaporation replacement (also something we have a lot of in the Arizona summer). Depending on where I go, it's $0.15/$0.20 gal for RO water and then just add salt and go. The LFS sells RO water with salt premixed for $1/gal, but it seems like it would be too hard to adjust for evap. and such, and I figure I still have to get RO to use as evap. replacement.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
LOL if anything on a water report scared me I would move. I would not use municipal water at all for a salt tank. I don't recommend using tap unless you are absolutely certain that it is safe. If it is questionable at ALL then don't us it.
I've used tap water since the days of skeletal coral and cyanide caught fish. I don't think I've ever had a serious problem related to water quality....but so much of this debate depends on your water supply and other variables. I did use R.O. when I bred discus years ago and often think about using it now---because I hear so many good reports; and I like to tinker with new stuff.Another consideration is the fact that I no longer have a reef tank or keep any inverts.I did have them, when I lived on the Mississippi Coast, prior to Katrina. I knew staff biologists at a U.S.M. research facility that tested local tap water that I was using and, in their opinion was just fine for marine fishkeeping This thread has several posts from aquarists who also tap water..if it ain't broke, why fix it. There simply is not a one-size-fits-all answer on the R.O. or not to R.O. question.


Active Member
I used it, but had problems with aglea and well, I tested it, and the ammonia in the tap was over 8.0, so I bought a ro/di unit. and now I have very little algea. And don't have water quality problems either. I live in huntsville, tx and the joke here is that we drink prison water.


Active Member
Is the RO/DI water the water in the blue machines? I know I have seen one at walmart, and another store. but I haven't seen anything at my LFS. The only thing I have seen are 2.5 gallon jugs of premixed saltwater for 24.99 which is stupidly rediculous price-wise.


I have a friend in TX and she has freshies that need the PH at 7.0-7.2 and cant get it below 8.0 unless she uses the RO/DI water from the local supermarket. She also has issues with Ammonia, Tites and Trates. Like stated about it depends on your water quality.

I have had blooms before but that was all my fault as I left the light on to long for a few days and overfed, well needless to say I no longer do either! LMAO Havent had bad algae in months!

john a

i have used it for years........A while back I switched to ro. But my corals didnt going as fast. I wouldnt use city water though.


I was using Tap Water for a year with no big problems...alittle algae bloom here and there...but then one day i decided to see how dirty tap water was and i left a white hand towel under the faucet while the water ran and in a couple of days that towel turned rust color...I think NYC water is pretty good I drink from the tap constantly but after that i invested in a RO/DI...I paid $140 for a 4 stage and i'm sure you can get it cheaper if you shop around...


Since this site is pretty big into Fenners book "The conscientious marine aquarist," Doesnt he state in that book that if you let your water age, while keeping a good waterflow and temperature control, that he doesnt really believe the RODI is necessary? I cant quite remember, been a little while.


Yes usually you can let it age for 24-48 hours or longer would be better but just have some sort of powerhead or HOB filter circulate it for that time it should be fine. I have always just mixed it all up and let it sit for an hour or two and then added it but now I have found god premixed and would rather do that than risk screwing it up due to my impatience! LMAO I know I am working on the patience thing and all and have gotten better since I lost the fist try and learned my lesson.


ok i got another question...this ones a big odd but i'll ask anyway lol
the tank right now is filled with fancy goldfish, ammonia 0 nitrites 0 and nitrates 5ppm, ph 7.6, bare bottom tank, UV sterilizer running
now when the goldies kick the bucket (may take a long time) would it be possible to use the same water and just add marine salt???
id run the water through vigorous carbon and floss before id add the salt to get out any impurities
i know this is a long shot but im curious what ya'll will say


Originally Posted by FlCandy
You'll get a spike thats for sure, do you expect them to die soon? Mine lived for 10+ years.

a spike meaning a cycle? which would happen anyway if i start out with brand new water :)
this is my second batch of goldfish this year. the first ones i had for 6 months, mostly imported lionheads and ranchus.
i didnt QT and they came in with an illness that wiped out 98% of my tank. i managed to save 2 and those two are doing great to date.
i just restocked (this time no imports) and i QT'd all new arrivals for a month. everyone is healthy, but i do have an oranda with a mystery illness, hes now in a hospital tank (the fish has some sort of rolling disorder, i dont think its his swimbladder, hes on meds and medicated food and hes not getting better)
so i kinda lost all hope with goldies, and i just cant picture them lasting very long


I had a fantail and some feeders LOL.
I dont know never had them get sick they just got old and died.
Yeah either way your going to get a cycle as there are different bacteria colonies in FW than in SW.


Originally Posted by FlCandy
I had a fantail and some feeders LOL.
I dont know never had them get sick they just got old and died.
Yeah either way your going to get a cycle as there are different bacteria colonies in FW than in SW.
yeah those feeders live forever


Active Member
i think it depends on the area you are in your city will put out a water quality report and may even have it available online , in west texas there is no way because the water here is terrible but in mountain areas ive noticed there are alot of people that do use tap you should install an ro system they are very easy to hook up ( just follow the directions) and it will give you great drinking water too yeah it costs around $200 to get a simple one at the home depot...totally worth it though because no matter how clean you think the tap is they add chlorine to the holding tanks at least once a year and many cities put flouride in their water which im no professional on fish health but i am not going to risk it


Active Member
Originally Posted by squirreloso
ok i got another question...this ones a big odd but i'll ask anyway lol
the tank right now is filled with fancy goldfish, ammonia 0 nitrites 0 and nitrates 5ppm, ph 7.6, bare bottom tank, UV sterilizer running
now when the goldies kick the bucket (may take a long time) would it be possible to use the same water and just add marine salt???
id run the water through vigorous carbon and floss before id add the salt to get out any impurities
i know this is a long shot but im curious what ya'll will say

Why would you want to use this water? It really won't help to cycle your SW tank; that is done by bacteria that live in the sand, rock, filter media, etc. Given what goldfish can live in, this water is probably worse than any tap water you could find. However, if you do use it (please don'T, and it works, please let me know! I might quote it in the never ending tap or RO discussion. (I don't call it a debate; because, as so many have said, it depends on your tap water---and many other variables).