Anyone using real Ocean sand?


Hey guys, I've been reading a lot of posts on here about Southdown play sand. I have some CaribSea argragonite in my tank now - only about 1-2" deep, and was hoping to add some smaller grained sand to the tank. I went to my local Home Depot today, and they didn't have it (I'm in the Orlando, FL area). It's funny that the stuff comes from the Carribean, but it's only sold in the northeast! My question is, has anyone used actual sand from the ocean? I'm going to the beach tomorrow, and seeing as I'm in FL, it's easily accessible to me. I used some a few years back in a small 10 gal test tank that I set up, along with some crabs and snails I collected of of the pier posts. Does anyone have an opinion about using this sand? The stuff I gathered before had tons of copepods in it, so I think it would be beneficial.
Thanks for the help.


Active Member
Most people say not to use it for a variety of reasons. Mostly polution. I really don't know but I don't think it's a good idea.


I would not put anything from the beach into my tank as it may be polluted and kill everything in it. This would be bad as I have quite an investment building here.
Just my $.02.


Thanks for the speedy replies guys. I guess I'll scrap the idea. I was just reading posts on replacing cc with sand. My cc is only about and inch or so thick - do you think I can get away with just taking off the top layer, and adding an inch or so of sand? Also, when I was at home depot today, most of the sands here in FL seem to be silica based - this is bad, is it not? They had some play sand which was sterilized and for kids use, anyone think this is OK to use?