Anyone want to buy my new complete tank?


Hey everyone. If you all read some of my post before you would know that I bought a brand new 55 Gallon Tank, the stand, two 24" Hoods to cover the top of the tank.... I upgraded the lights for the hoods to Coralife Actinic Lights, An Emperor Filtration System. ( Part Number PF0400B, he said it was the best filter he had? It was $80.00 ), Two 20 lb bags of Carib Sea Arag-Alive reef sand, one 14lb bag of Reef Crystal Synthetic Sea Salt, a 300 Watt titanium tube heater, and other little extras. This isn't even a week old. To be honest, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Plus I just found out that my girlfriend is pregnet! So I'm going to need as much money as I can. The tank has only been up and running for about 4 or 5 days. Its BRAND NEW. So I just wanted to see if anyone would be interested? Thanks


Active Member
Boy that sucks. Once you walk out of the store you'll be very lucky to get half of what you paid for it. Congrats on the new baby though!:D


I just want to say----you are one heck of a stand up man for dropping your hobby to prepare for daddyhood.
Being careful and planning ahead is good, but don't make yourself miserable. You'll find that babies really aren't that expensive at first......
diapers on the other hand......
Congrats, man.


Hey just want to say that I'm glad your standing up and going to take care of your girlfriend and baby, it's way more than some guys would do. My best wishes to you both.


Hey man i have 3 kids im 27 years old kids cost money, of course i never really look at it that way.A person has to have a hobby someting they like to do and makes them happy,keep your tank youve already paid for it you will find out later if you get rid of it that you have made a mistake. I have 2 dogs 3 fish tanks and 1 lizard between me and my boys and we are not broke yet. Hang on to it and invest slowly would be your best bet. That would be my advice good luck with being a father you will really enjoy it, i do very much so :joy:


Thanks everyone, but I think this is the best thing for us to do. I already have a VERY expensive hobby. My car... lol. But I would like to sell it as a complete set. Thanks