Anyone Watch American Idol??


Active Member
Oh wow, i am glad to hear other couples are argueing over AI, me and mine almost came to blows afew times over who was better almost every week!


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I don't know, it just didn't click for me this year. We used to be glued to that TV and had our pizza ready in anticipation...and the let down knowing it would be another week before the show...but this year we've missed several and just don't seem to latch on to wanting to see anyone. :notsure: I think Carrie would have more commercial appeal to a wider audience...and Bo is similar to just a lot of other singers out there (actually they both are) but what would the non-commercial genre that he seems to fit with really do with an American Idol guy? :thinking: I just want to cut several inches off Bo's hair...just the dead ends. But I think it could easily go either way tonight.


I watch it!!! Im soooo upset I mean i love Carrie too but... all the music now is the same , solo female vocals , so i wanted bo to win. But either way..... they will both be successful and make cd's :) who is seeing the idol tour?


I think Carrie's voice is absolutly beautiful!!! She was amazing tonight with Rascal Flatts and when she won she was adorable singing that song!! I think she did great and a super winner. Bo will get a record deal too, no doubt about it. Was a Carrie fan though from the start!!


Active Member
Wow, it was a good show, excepting my cable went out (for the first time in a year) for like 45 minutes.
I thought it was only an hour show so I was very upset, but thankfully it wasn't :D There was definitely a lot of talent this year. I think that's why it wasn't so much of a draw for me. Most everyone was pretty good, so there was little throwing stuff at the TV in shock that someone made it through (except Scott). Less exciting for us :)
Bo did really good stuff (tho the mike stand and hair still bother me)...but Carrie's song? It'll be out on at least three different format type "stations," and will be on at least 2 charts. That is her strength, IMO.


I personally love the southern rock style of Bo. I will be buying whatever CD he puts out and look forward to a long career of his.
I personally think that Carrie got the votes of Vonzel fans when she left becase they are much closer in style then Bo and Vonzel.
If Constantine was in the top three and then voted off I think the outcome would have been different.
But I am a sore loser and was very upset yesterday. I think America needs more ROCK music


Yea, I agree we need more ROCK, with the exception Ruben whoever, lol. All the winners have been buble -gum pop girls. I'm kinda glad Bo didn't win cuz now he can pick whatever style of music he likes to record he's not under contract to be made into a pop star or something. Like the way they made him sing those 2 lovey dovey songs on Tues nite, gag me! :rolleyes: Rock on Bo!! :happy: