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Since the big summer movies will start rolling out this weekend (Fast Five), figured to get a thread started, like I did previously (link here). This thread is more oriented to new movies/still in theaters. I liked my out of 10 ratings, so I'll keep those.
Suckerpunch; 8 out of 10. This film has received a decent amount of negative publicity about both the content of the movie (somewhat understandable) and for the film itself (completely not understandable). First the content, anyone know thinks this film is about portraying "too young of girls" doesn't have the foggiest of clues. Emily Browning, who plays the main character is 22 in real life, and her character is 20 in the film. If 20 year olds can't be sexed up a bit, or have adult messages, I think we may be at a loss.... About the film itself, I just can't see where people can go to really disliking this film. I understand that Zach Snyder has been on a roll with 300 and then Watchmen, and yes, I will say it isn't on the same level as those other two, but it's still a terrific film. Each of the, let's say "events" as to limit any spoilers, are visually stunning, and hugely imaginative. The story was pretty cool/unique as was the ending. What else were people wanting?
Scream 4; 7.5 out of 10. The score may seem a little high, and it probably its. But for a recent horror flick that's not just about raw gore (Hostel/Saw), it's pretty good, especially considering this is the 4th Scream movie, it's just as fresh as the first, and some say, the best one yet. You play the Scream-guessing-game, and keep changing your pick of who you think Ghostface is, till the very end. That's what a Scream movie is about, and it delivered on that promise. Another absolute beacon of light in this movie, and one of my biggest hollywood crushes, Alison Brie. She rocked her part. There are a few negatives, first the analysis, after analysis of horror movies, and what movie taught us this about this, and what the rules about this are, grew old pretty fast. Only a true diehart horror fan would appreciate it. Secondly, while Emma Roberts may no longer be a Nickelodeon tween, her voice still is. When she started yelling, it was like cat nails on a chalkboard, AAWWW!
Source Code; 6.5 out of 10. Not overly a lot of say about this movie, plus a little drawn out after typing the first two reviews.... Source code felt like a film I've seen twice already, and I have, formerly called Inception and The Adjustment Bureau (sorta). The biggest fault to Source Code, is it's failure to develop into anything significant. The entire film is solely based on just one source code, and gets repetitive. Secondly the scene in which they explain how 'source code' works, the guy does it rather quickly and quite mumbly, sort of like it was almost on purpose, so you just say "okay" and accept that's how it works. Gyllenhaal turned out a decent performance, but I'm convinced Michele Monaghan is some type of 'happy' robot. She was just weirdly happy and smiley at what seemed like wrong times.
Suckerpunch; 8 out of 10. This film has received a decent amount of negative publicity about both the content of the movie (somewhat understandable) and for the film itself (completely not understandable). First the content, anyone know thinks this film is about portraying "too young of girls" doesn't have the foggiest of clues. Emily Browning, who plays the main character is 22 in real life, and her character is 20 in the film. If 20 year olds can't be sexed up a bit, or have adult messages, I think we may be at a loss.... About the film itself, I just can't see where people can go to really disliking this film. I understand that Zach Snyder has been on a roll with 300 and then Watchmen, and yes, I will say it isn't on the same level as those other two, but it's still a terrific film. Each of the, let's say "events" as to limit any spoilers, are visually stunning, and hugely imaginative. The story was pretty cool/unique as was the ending. What else were people wanting?
Scream 4; 7.5 out of 10. The score may seem a little high, and it probably its. But for a recent horror flick that's not just about raw gore (Hostel/Saw), it's pretty good, especially considering this is the 4th Scream movie, it's just as fresh as the first, and some say, the best one yet. You play the Scream-guessing-game, and keep changing your pick of who you think Ghostface is, till the very end. That's what a Scream movie is about, and it delivered on that promise. Another absolute beacon of light in this movie, and one of my biggest hollywood crushes, Alison Brie. She rocked her part. There are a few negatives, first the analysis, after analysis of horror movies, and what movie taught us this about this, and what the rules about this are, grew old pretty fast. Only a true diehart horror fan would appreciate it. Secondly, while Emma Roberts may no longer be a Nickelodeon tween, her voice still is. When she started yelling, it was like cat nails on a chalkboard, AAWWW!
Source Code; 6.5 out of 10. Not overly a lot of say about this movie, plus a little drawn out after typing the first two reviews.... Source code felt like a film I've seen twice already, and I have, formerly called Inception and The Adjustment Bureau (sorta). The biggest fault to Source Code, is it's failure to develop into anything significant. The entire film is solely based on just one source code, and gets repetitive. Secondly the scene in which they explain how 'source code' works, the guy does it rather quickly and quite mumbly, sort of like it was almost on purpose, so you just say "okay" and accept that's how it works. Gyllenhaal turned out a decent performance, but I'm convinced Michele Monaghan is some type of 'happy' robot. She was just weirdly happy and smiley at what seemed like wrong times.