Anyone who goes to.....


Manatee high school say "I".You must be there,not "use to be there".Asbury and sandman and wakeskater,dont have to say anything cause i know who you are!
just seein if there are girls on here that go to my school:D


Active Member

Originally posted by lionfish28
i herd of that name..........:notsure: any activitys?

L28, did you really not know who Lee Harvey Oswald was??? Boy does that make me feel old.
Do you know who killed Lee Harvey Oswald? Ever heard of the grassy knoll?

salty cheese

Active Member

Originally posted by Scotts
L28, did you really not know who Lee Harvey Oswald was??? Boy does that make me feel old.
Do you know who killed Lee Harvey Oswald? Ever heard of the grassy knoll?

It was Jack Ruby.
Do they teach history in school anymore?:notsure:
Oops, thread jack.:D


Active Member

Originally posted by Salty Cheese
It was Jack Ruby.
Do they teach history in school anymore?:notsure:
Oops, thread jack.:D

guess not, sides those are facts that we should know from elementary school.
we did


Active Member
btw, someone/thing famous like that walkin their halls? you would think that would be common knowledge almost like where is the principals office.


:eek: i never knew that!But the name sounded familar from somewhere.And i think my history teacher told us?(but i always fell asleep in history:sleepy: )


Hummmm, I've decided it was a good thing to enroll the kids at BRADINGTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL!
I went home called all three kids to ask them if they knew who (Lee Harvey Oswald) was!
They DID!
Is'nt Manatee the next block over?