Anyone who has ever been stung. . .


I have yet to have been stung by any anemones, corals, bristleworms, lions, etc...
Naturally, I dont go mixing up my sandbed with my hand, but Im surprised with all the rock-touching I do, no worms have got me yet.
I was recently hired at a LFS, and no doubt I'll get stung by something... I have a tendancy to do such things...
can anyone relate to me and tell me what the stings are like? as much force as a strong punch? or do any of them feel like electricity? or just burning... Id prefer to know what I should be feeling just if something happens... and when you all tell me that the stings DONT hurt ( ;) ), I wont have to worry anymore, right? ;)
Drew :)


Active Member
Bristle worm bristles just feel like tiny splinters more annoying than anything else, almost itch. They will bother you until they come out. If you've ever touched one of those fuzzy cactus you know what I mean. The only other tank mate to get me was a fire coral. Most of the time they pull their tiny polyps in when you get close. If you sneek up on him while his little stinger points are out some types of fire corals can leave a nasty mark. It didn't really bother the palm of my hand but left burning almost stinging feeling were the back of my hand touched it. Not severe but after that I faned him before handling him so he would withdraw.


I haven't been stung yet in my tank, but once on a dive trip a bristle worm somehow got into my BC and run a few laps on my chest. Boy, did it burn, reminded me of the time an asp fell on my neck. It's more of a bother than a pain. Treat it immediately and don't rub it and you'll be fine. HTH


for the most part bristle worms are about all you have to worry about sometimes with miving live rock you can get hit by one and it does burn and itch.. anemones aren't a problem so much while some people are really bothered by it's stinging cells others like my self are not.. i really don't feel it.. don't know why..if a lion stings you expect a bit of pain i got stung by one once it wasn't his fault they are normally pretty a hand anyway..he just got spooked and brushed by me.. left a nice little scar..well good luck hope ya don't get hurt..


I got a relly good sting from a sebae anemone in my first tank. At first I didnt really realize it was happening. After awhile my arm muscles started to burn, but that was it for the day. The next morning I got up to go to work and ended up being VERY sick. Vomiting and other unwanted bodily functions for about a day and a half. No one at work believed the reason when I explained why I called in sick for two days. It was a fair size anemone, probably about 8-10 inches when fully open. I dont want to go through that again!

tru conch

Active Member
like everyone else has said, bristle worms just kinda itch, annoying more than anything. if you touch a large one thought, different story. you arm can go numb, like its asleep. not alot of fun.
no one has mentioned the infamous mantis shrimp. while i was younger, i was looking for some critters in the shore line, flipping over rocks and such. well a mantis shrimp popped me with its front claws. luckily i didnt draw blood, but i was in immense pain. first and last experience with them.


Congrats at the job!!!GL with it..
Bristtle worms itch and burn if you itch...Some peole react differently to "stings"..Some get real sick..some it doesnt even phase them...
I've never been stung by any of my anenomes, My hubby has, said it felt like a slight surrent for a breif period, but that was it..
Mantis, Big PAIN....and I'm sure with the new LR coming, there probably will be one you'll come across...
The guy down at one of the places I shop said his buddy was stung by a Lion, and was rushed to the hospital with a really bad reaction, so I guess it just depends on you, and what your touching..


I was stung by my carpet anemone about a month ago. I did not feel anything during that time, the anemone just sticks itself on my fingers. The effects are itchiness and rashes. I washed the affected areas with vineger and apply some oilment as suggested by someone on this board. After a couple of days, it heals....


Yeah, the carpet doesn't bother my palms or fingers, but when I brushed it with the underside of my forearm it left a rash. It takes a few minutes to set in and it itches for a while. Just be careful and pick out the things you dont want to mess with before you stick your hands in the tank.

richard rendos

Active Member
I have been stung by the following:
Rainbow Urchin .. OW! that was the worst...thought I would die.
Volitans Lionfish... stings like a bee sting.
Hammer Coral...only one ever stung me and it hurt a little.
Condylactis anemone... just kinda sticks to your pain at all.
Carpet anemone...sticks to your skin. No pain.
Got bit by Dogface Puffer...they have big teeth and strong jaws...luckily it didn't do any real damage. Just bit the skin off the end of my finger.
These are all dangers of owning/working in a pet store and having to catch these for customers. We preferred not to use nets. This means that you use specimen containers and have to get the fish to swim into them. Not an easy task.


just a note on lionfish stings,the larger the fish ,the worse the sting.also if stung, run punctures under hottest water possible as the heat will help break down the toxins.


my carpet anenome wrapped around my hand and caused it to like go kinda numb and cramp up, but with no feeling, it just looked all dumb....and then i wased it in hot water and all was good


ive never been stung or bitten "yet" but there is a first aid site for the stings that happen often
<a href="" target="_blank">first aid site</a>


Good comments on how to handle a lionfish sting, hot water should be the first treatment, but if you have other symptoms, don't fool around, go to an emergency room!
Bristleworms can leave their spines imbedded in your skin, duct tape will work wonders to help remove them.
The only thing I have been stung by is my little flower anemone. It was a very mild tingly sensation. I do wonder if the sting will get worse as it grows?

slk's reef

I havr been stung by my anemone and bristle worms.
the worms when you pick them up you get all kinds of there spikes in your hand and it iches.