Anyone with a 30g or close LOOK!

If anyone has a 30g set-up, can you please tell me the specs of your tank (equip, lighting, lr, etc.). I'm just checking different things i need to get. Thanks


Active Member
I have a 29 gallon tank and I have the following equipment.
100 lbs southdown sand
25 lbs of liverock
250 PFO Metal halide with 10K ushio bulb
2X40 Acitinic NO
toyo fan to cool the hood
bak pak skimmer
won heater - i think it's 150 watt
tunze osmolator - a great top off system
I think that's bout it.
Any questions feel free to ask!


I have a 37g reef with 3.5" DSB, 80 lbs mixed figi and Marshal Isle LR, 175w MH with 55w PC actinic, Bak Pak skimmer, CPR HOB refugium, and a 10g DIY sump with a Mag 7 return pump to a spray bar on the back of the tank. I keep a mix of LPS and SPS corals along with a tomato clown, firefish Goby, CBS, left hand hermits, couple of turbo, a ton of hitchiker stometella snails. I need to replace the skimmer though as the bak pak just doesn't work well in a sump (sump was recently added as the bak pak was a HOB for the past 3 years).


My tank specs are:20gal.high nano-reef,skilter(only use filter),100wrena cal heater,15w NO light,32wPC light(47wtotal),mixture of sand/cc,false perc.,lemon damsel,turbo/astreas snails,hermits,mushrooms,flower pot,another coral but I forgot the name!:( and oh yea I forgot I got two types of calupera growing!I'll soon add a candy strip shrimp,more corals,firefish or clownfish,more lr and a 55w pc.Alex

richard rendos

Active Member
I have a 20 inch cube...approximately 33 gallons with:
1X175 watt MH 10000K Ushio
2X36 watt PC actinic
1 venturi protein skimmer (DIY)
40 lbs Marshall Islands LR
5" DSB w/20lbs live sand
1 Mag 5 for return
1 Mag 5 for skimmer
1 8 gallon rubbermaid tub for sump
2 Oscellaris clowns
1 Blue Haddoni carpet anemone
80 F
Calcium 400
pH 8.4
salinity 1.024
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 5ppm
Alk 12


I have a 29 gallon.
2 x 65 watt compact flourescent, one 10,000K and one actinic with a computer fan for cooling.
3.5" deep sand bed.
Prizm Skimmer.
150Watt heater.
Rio 600.
MaxiJet 700.
particle filter (in hood)
lots and lots of live rock. (more than in my pics now)
Salinity 1.022
ALK 4.5meq/L
Nitrates = 0
Phosphates = 0


All my specs are in my singature. Though I am adding another 5lbs of lr, 5lbs of ls and a blue spotted jawfish.

tru conch

Active Member
my 29 gal specs are as follows (for now, but im doing some improvements in the near future)
2X55w pc 50/50 bulbs
seaclone protien skimmer
millienium 1000 filter ( just to move the water)
two hagen 201 power heads
50 lbs of ls
50 lbs of lr
1 pygmy angel
1 yellow headed sleeper goby
1 neon goby
2 peppermint shrimp
1 emerald crab
mulitple mushrooms
polyp mat
will be making the following modifications
10 gal diy refuguim
light hood with 1 175 w mh and some sort of acitintics (havent decided the wattage yet)
more lr and of course some more corals....