Anyone with all-glass modern series


I'm looking at buying an all-glass modern series (oak finish) stand and canopy for my 125. Has anyone ordered one of their modern series products? Is it worth the price, is it good looking? Will compact florescents fit under the canopy? Are the tank edge trim pieces nice?


I have the stand in the dark cherry. I like it very well and it seems like it is built good.
I ordered the top but when it came in I didnt take it because they only have about 7 inches of clearance on top.
I also didn't like the way it was made, the top is one piece and it has two groves cut out in the back to hold the lid when you stand it up, there are no hinges.
I also didnt like that it had a center wood braces running from front to back right in the middle under the lid.
I have the Coralife 260watt PC on stands and it would have fit under the canopy to anwser you question on the lights.
I also have a 260watt PC retrofit that I would have had no where to mount under it though.
Have you went to there web site and looked at the pictures? They have some with the canopy open so you can kinda see how its made. Its at all-glass dot you know. I hope thats ok to say that since they don't sell stands here.
Reb - rethink this...
I have a modern series AGA canopy. I got it in the OAK. It matches the AGA Oak modern stand I have.
With a little ingenuity, I have a PC/MH retro system in the canopy. All I had to do, was carefully remove the center brace from the canopy - a flathead screwdriver works perfectly. Then, turn the brace upside down, and reattach the brace to the canopy. You still have good structure to rest the lid on, and the lights can be mounted on the lid.
The 7 inches of clearance is enough that my MHs don't get splashed. Other than the canopy, I run topless, and have had no problems..... knock on wood.