ANYONE with an EcoSystem out there??


Active Member
I have a small skimmer on my 125, doesn't do much, but its there...and i have a sand bed...but i clean it once a month


Active Member
i don't clean my sand bed at all, coz i am lazy. and i don't want to disturb the pods and small sea stars i have in there. i clean my refugium a little bit every week; that includes harvesting macroalgaes, rinsing the mechenical filters, etc.
i spend on average 2-3 hours a week maintaining my tanks (i have 2) right now but there was a lot of effort setting things up and getting them to this point.
i feed my fish (13 of them) plenty of food and my nitrates stay at 10-15. so i think it works.


Active Member
10-15...holyshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzz those should be ZERO. ...some say that is fine...but im a firm believer that they should be as close to zero as possible