Anyone with Batfish???


Active Member
Hey...I know there's ONE guy in here with a pinniatus... I want pix!
EVERYONE with ANY kind of batfish!! PLEASE! POST PIX!! :jumping:


Active Member
Ooooooh... wow. wowowowowowowowow. That is THE coolest fish...EVER!! :jumping:
How big is your tank, Junkie? Do u have a full tank shot? I am just in total awe. Tell me more!!!


Well this gourgeous guy it's not longer with me. He was in a 30 gal FOWLR tank, when i bought him he was like an inch big. I gave that tank to my mother and she started a reef. So him been not reef safe had to get rid of him a I sold him to a friend of mine that has a 1000 gal tank at a Restaurant. He's like 9 inches now very gourgeous fish indeed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
Ooooooh... wow. wowowowowowowowow. That is THE coolest fish...EVER!! :jumping:
