just throwing in my 2 cents worth.....my friend in high school a long time ago and i made a bet as to who would get cancer first. He dipped and I smoke. within the first 5 years of getting out of school he had lip cancer and i as of yet have none. FIRST let me say that i did NOT start because of peer pressure!!!!!!!! I thank my dad for getting me started but anyways I am growing very tired of people looking down on smokers.....besides it was people like you who told us on tv and radio that it was cool and stuff and now you want to back up and ack like we are wrong. GET A LIFE...like you never made a bad choice in your perfect life here on earth and i agree we are ALL going to die one day and this is how I choose to go....so screw you for looking down on me. IF you don't like me smoking ........DON'T STAND NEXT TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! and by the way.......GET OFF YOUR CELL PHONE.....AND DRIVE.