anything else I should check?


Active Member
I just had a scarlet skunk shrimp die, my first death. He molted 2 days ago and he was acting normal last night then when I got up this morning he is dead. And I am sure it is the shrimp and not another molt.
SG 1.026
ammonia 0
nitrate 0
nitrite 0
calcium 420
ph 8.2
alkalinity within blue band (meaning good)
Any ideas or do sometimes they just die?


Active Member
Acclimation was for 5 hours. I put a 1/2 cup of my water in the bag everyone 15 to 20 minutes for 5 hours until my sg matched the sg of the bag. Then I waited 30 minutes after that and put him in. So he was probably in the bag for 6 hours total from the lfs to my tank.
Tank mates are blue legged hermits, scarlet hermits, turbo snails, nassarius snails, 2 chromis, 2 ocellaris clowns, and 2 yellow tails.
And I thought inverts molted when they grow?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fbm
And I thought inverts molted when they grow?
I believe I read somewhere though that they also molt when they are stressed. I know both of my Cleaners and one of my Pistols molted within 48 hours of moving my tank last month..


Active Member
I don't like when they die without reason. It is like throwing away 20 bucks for nothing.