

I know apasita's are bad for the all SW tanks but what to they accutally DO?? I have two of them and yes I DO HAVE SOME JOE'S JUICE. I just want to know what they do and why they are harmfull pests. one of them is about 1/2" diameter and the other about a 1/4" diameter.
Wondering f I absoluty HAVE to get ride of them ASAP or not.
A speedy reple would be nice
Thx for all the help guyz.


Active Member
O yea, cuz if not, they will start to take over, lol. Butterflys are good for taking out aiptasia. YOu might be wrong though, they could just be q-tip sponges, are they white and qtipish?


It does have white tips on the top but it moves REALLY fast? Almost to fast for a coral. NOT like other side of the tank moving, it like retracts it self back in the rock before you can blink if you poke it with something??
I am almost sure it is an apiaita.
I know they spread but what can they do to corals and fish kill them sting them injure them WHAT????
Thx again


I don't know exactly what they do - but people say that they will spread if you try to cut them in half or anything. I didn't give them time - I just got a syringe from work and I injected them with calcium carbonate (just a tiny) - it killed them instantly - some people mention injecting them with lemon juice... I guess they're not reef safe and definetly start to look very unattractive.


They basicly are considered a weed and they aren't all good for any thing near them as they can sting corals or fish or anything else. They can sent out a poisen that makes everything else stay away.
Some people like them but most just see them as a pest.They basically are considered a weed and they aren't all good for any thing near them as they can sting corals or fish or anything else. They can sent out a poison that makes everything else stay away from any place near them. If you have a small tank this can create a real problem as once they spead it can be hard to get rid of them. Some people like them as they help keep the water clear but most just see them as a pest.