API ammonia test kit off?


I have the API master test kit. Rcently I have read a few comments about always getting a false ammonia reading. This is driving me crazy due to the fact I thought something was wrong when my nitrates are between 10 and 20 PPM, nitrites stay at 0 and I get a constant reading of 0.25 for ammonia. I got the same reading from a bottle of live sea water I bought from my lfs.
Waiting to add my first fish but wont until I'm sure. Any suggestions on a different test kit etc? 24 gal aquapod, ph 8.2, sg 1.024 and I'm now at about 25 lbs each of LR and LS.


Active Member
i'm not sure which test kit i have, i got it from either ***** or the LFS, but your results arenot abnormal when compared to other people using the same test kit.


Active Member
i have the same kit, i'd say you probably don't have any ammonia, of course if you ammonia goes up....your nitrites will follow. you can always go to you lfs and have them check it.
when mine runs out i'm gonna try a different brand.


Originally Posted by larryndana
i have the same kit, i'd say you probably don't have any ammonia, of course if you ammonia goes up....your nitrites will follow. you can always go to you lfs and have them check it.
when mine runs out i'm gonna try a different brand.
Unfortunately my lfs uses the same one. I'm going to a new place today in Clifton, NJ. Supposed to be huge place that is big into water quality vs additives.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
i test with API both at home and at work...
lucky you, wish i worked at a lfs. bet you see some crazy stuff or should i say people.


Active Member
Mine does the same thing. I've heard it has something to do with detecting ammonium as well as ammonia. But I haven't really played with it to know if my buddy was telling the truth.
It's really bizarre i ran across this thread. 5 years ago i bought the API master test kit. Over the years i forgot where i placed it so i bought several throughout the years. I went to the LFS and bought the API master and reef test kits. I was really shock to notice how on the Amm. and the PH test the color keys have changed. To make things more wierd, this test kit has been in the box, away from the sun and the colors from the New kit to the old ones were totaly different. I also tested the 5 year against the 1 week old kits and the tests were almost opposite. Working with the API reef kit, i also realized it a lot of work to just get the results. A couple of tests like the calcium you have to count how many drops you add before it turns a certian color and you take that number and go to the booklet and it tells you your results. After all this i'm going to stray away from API. I hope people will read this and take all this info into consideration when trying to save a few pennys....


Active Member
Originally Posted by califishdude
It's really bizarre i ran across this thread. 5 years ago i bought the API master test kit. Over the years i forgot where i placed it so i bought several throughout the years. I went to the LFS and bought the API master and reef test kits. I was really shock to notice how on the Amm. and the PH test the color keys have changed. To make things more wierd, this test kit has been in the box, away from the sun and the colors from the New kit to the old ones were totaly different. I also tested the 5 year against the 1 week old kits and the tests were almost opposite. Working with the API reef kit, i also realized it a lot of work to just get the results. A couple of tests like the calcium you have to count how many drops you add before it turns a certian color and you take that number and go to the booklet and it tells you your results. After all this i'm going to stray away from API. I hope people will read this and take all this info into consideration when trying to save a few pennys....
I believe all cal tests are like that, well i should say i've seen another thread and they talked about a cal test that was much like the API test for cal.
is their any cal test that is much simplier. It almost given when you count to 16, your old lady wants you for a emergency to only find out there is a dead spider in the bathroom and you lost count where you left off. If im right there is another test that is similar but i forgot.


I have the API master kit aswell as was saddly disappointed when i had levels of ammonia. So I went to the LFS and they used a different test (didn't get the name) and my level was at 0. So I don't know


Active Member
Originally Posted by califishdude
is their any cal test that is much simplier. It almost given when you count to 16, your old lady wants you for a emergency to only find out there is a dead spider in the bathroom and you lost count where you left off. If im right there is another test that is similar but i forgot.
yeah, i understand what your saying. Mine sees me doing them and doesn't say anything. i believe there is an electronic type test, but i might be mistaken. if there is i'm sure its expensive. I usually start with 14 to 16 drops. then 2 to 4 drops until it gets to a certain color like dark pink, then I go drop by drop.

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by larryndana
yeah, i understand what your saying. Mine sees me doing them and doesn't say anything. i believe there is an electronic type test, but i might be mistaken. if there is i'm sure its expensive. I usually start with 14 to 16 drops. then 2 to 4 drops until it gets to a certain color like dark pink, then I go drop by drop.
that would be cool..if u could just dip a probe into ur tank..and it would give u results for everything..ammonia, trites, trates, calc, alk,..etc....but if they did make sumthin like taht it would probably be well over a hundred bucks!


Went to the new store. It's really nice! Nonetheless they also test with API kit.
Oh well, I guess .25 PPM ammonia and zero nitrates really means 0 ammonia.
im need help eciding wht mh i need. 36x18x24 high. i also have theoption for 1 or 2 96watt oc one each side. it all will sit about a foot above tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by lawman
Oh well, I guess .25 PPM ammonia and zero nitrates really means 0 ammonia.
I believe this is right.


Active Member
I just got an API ammonia test kit about 2 months ago for a quarantine test and the color I got for my display tank didn't match any colors on the color chart. if I were to guess based on the color chart my ammonia would be on a negative scale
.25ppm on the color chart is a pea green, 0ppm is a puke green with more yellow to it than .25ppm but I get a milky yellow color with no green in it

I really dont care about ammonia (or nitrite) test because I dont test those but I am pleased with the other API test kits I use: calcium, nitrate,phospate,pH, dKH.


I have the API, Hagen and Salifert. I compare the 3 and know how to read the colors of the API kit, which is the cheapest. I have only bought the API for the past year comparing to my Salifert kit occasionally. If looking at the test vial with the light behind you which is how most kits tell you to read it, there is more yellow which reads 0 ammonia. If the light is in front or different angles there appears to be more green which will give you a .25 or false reading if you in fact have 0 ammonia, this is what I have found anyway.