API Freshwater Ammonia Test Kit


I was wondering on my ApI saltwater ammonia test kit its says NH/3- NH/4 Bottles, And my freshwater ammonia test kit API says the same thing. so my question is are the solutions the same and can i use the freshwater ammonia test on my saltwater as well cause i ran out in my saltwater solution.


On the front of the box...doesn't it say
freshwater/saltwater....Mine does
and it says it on the boxes online too....I just can not get the pic to upload


I was asking cause i think im devoping a problem.. My star polyops are not comming out anymore and my Xeiena doesnt look good i tested my nano water and ammonia is .025 PPM and nitrires are .10PPM... Im woundering if this is why... Also on my 40 Gal all readings are Great! 0.00 PPM for ammonia and Nitires are 0.00 PPM so should i move the corals?? the light on the 40 Isnt as strong thow or will it be ok??


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Blenny
I was asking cause i think im devoping a problem.. My star polyops are not comming out anymore and my Xeiena doesnt look good i tested my nano water and ammonia is .025 PPM and nitrires are .10PPM... Im woundering if this is why... Also on my 40 Gal all readings are Great! 0.00 PPM for ammonia and Nitires are 0.00 PPM so should i move the corals?? the light on the 40 Isnt as strong thow or will it be ok??

Has something died? Don't move the coral unless it becomes absolutely needed. They don't like change very much and a whole new tank isn't a good idea.
Do you run a skimmer? Do you run carbon?
It sounds like a mini cycle You should not have ammonia or nitrites at all.


I am running a Skimmer.. Only thing i have in there are 4 blue legged crabs and 1 couch snail..


I did about a 40% water change yesterday.... i know my bulbs need to be replaced can this cause them to act like this also???


I have 2 diff ones, I went out and bought a new today,, Same reading.. looks like i will buy bulbs this week .... and check in 2 days if the ammonia is still there ill do another water change.


just got home and i checked it all, ammonia 0.00 ppm and nitrate .5 ,,but i still need new bulbs thanks guys....