Apitasia in FOWLR tank?

don trinko

Why does everyone dislike the apitasia? Do they do any harm in a FOWLR tank? Do they require special lighting? Thanks: Don T.


Originally Posted by Don Trinko
Why does everyone dislike the apitasia? Do they do any harm in a FOWLR tank? Do they require special lighting? Thanks: Don T.
because they cause issues with corals. if you only have FOWLR, and like the looks of them, no issues.


If you don't mind the way they look, aipstasia are fine. They do not need lights. They filter feed so you feed them plenty as is. They breed like weeds and sting corals and fish (though fish usually avoid them). I've seen some tanks with hundreds of these. things. Some people even spot feed them. To each their own. I liked dandelions before I got a big lawn.

don trinko

thanks; They are on all the live rock I bought. I have 5 green cromis in a 75 ( cycling the tank) and a 20g that I am cycling with ammonia.
I do intend to have hermit crabs. I have read that they may eat them.
The cycling with the crommis is being monitered carefully for ammonia and nitrites. If the ammonia gets above .5 I will remove it with WC or chemicals. Don T.


No hermit I know eats them. If one existed, I would've bought it already.
Maybe you can breed them and buy a CBB. Can have him clean up the tank in an attempt to wean him onto mysis or something.


Originally Posted by Don Trinko
thanks; They are on all the live rock I bought. I have 5 green cromis in a 75 ( cycling the tank) and a 20g that I am cycling with ammonia.
I do intend to have hermit crabs. I have read that they may eat them.
The cycling with the crommis is being monitered carefully for ammonia and nitrites. If the ammonia gets above .5 I will remove it with WC or chemicals. Don T.
i thinks its cruel to use damsels for cycling its as if i stuck u in a room with acid rain not cool (aka chicago lol)


Fish only as already said no problem. Corals
can be stung by them. If you want them out
peppermint shrimp may help or chemicals.
Cant have fish that will eat your shrimp though.

don trinko

regarding " cruel to use damsels" I understand your concern but... as I stated I am monitering the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. I have test kits to measure both free and bound ammonia. If they get anywhere near dangerous I will do WC or chemicals to lower the level. Amaquel + binds the ammonia and nitrites into a harmless form and I have it and will use it if the ammonia or nitrites readings require. I also have ro available and salt mix for over 100g. My threshhold is .5 for ammonia and 1.0 for nitrites. This is a low threshhold for anything but invertibrates.
5 green crommis is a low bioload for a 75g and so far the ammonia has never been above .25 Completely un monitored and uncontroled it would be cruel. I apreciate your concern but these damsels will be under very little stress if any. Don T.