Apitasia question,,,Thanks

surfer 2

If you have apitasia show up in your LR in tank is this an idication of poor LR quality or is this a natural occurance and eveyone deals with? I have 2 peices that have them on it the rest is ok,, can not add any thing to eat them yet since tank is new and has about 3 more weeks of cycle. They are also to small to inject,, I can see about 5 or 6 very small ones.


Active Member
it jsut depends on the rock and has nothing to do with poor quality.
if they are toosmall to inject i guess i would wait until they were large enough.
or they may not even last the cycle since the levels in your tank are going to be horendous


I just squirted my first one with boiling water, yesterday - I will let you know if he stays away, but it really did not like the boiling water AT ALL. Hopefully it's gone gone gone!

sinner's girl

I just let them grow, the didn't hurt anything. When we bought some peppermint shrimp, the shrimp ate them. But the apitasia never hurt the fish or anything. One was kinda big, told the shrimp a few tries to eat that one.