Approaching three years


Seems amazing that the time has flown by. I am working on a bit of an algae problem and just added 10 Blue Leg Hermits, two Sea Hares and a couple of Emerald Crabs. My Yellow Polyps dropped down to just 5 heads before they got happy, now I can't count them they are so thick on that rock. That is just three Hairy mushrooms in the front. I lost one of my Pulsing Xenia, not sure why, my cleaner shrimp hung out there and may have picked at it. The other one continues to grow.


Those mushrooms for the most part have their foot attached to a rock but then they get so large the rock is hidden. When a mushroom is free floating I toss it in the "Mushroom pile" toward the left center of the tank and most find something to grab onto. I have a really large red one that I just stuck between a couple of rocks and it took a few tries but he stays put now. Thanks for the comments, this board has been really helpful.