Aptaisa Anemones


New Member
I heard that there was a way to kill Aptaisa (glass anemones) by sticking them with a solution in a syringe. Does anyone heard of this? I tried shrimp but my other fish eat them. I even tried sticking them with boiling hot water but that did nothing. :mad: :confused:


New Member
In the end I had to take the two rocks out that had them and grind them out with various instruments of destruction.


New Member
if that dont work, put some peroxide in the syringe and shoot it with that and it will kill it..peroxide wont hurt the water..good luck..


I actually bought one of these things when I first started my reef. After reading the posts on this board, I took it out. he lived with me for 6 months. I have never heard of putting peroxide but I would be afraid to add any chemical like that to my tank, where did you read that. Someone on the board once said they cut the tops off and feed it to his fish, is that possible, or a little too brutal. What fish do you have in there?
TREY: I have heard of using kalkwasser but I don't know what it is, can you give a brief explaination?


Active Member
Cutting them up can actually cause them to spread quicker as any remains tend to grow into more of these PITA.
Peroxide is H202 and over time breaks down into H20 and O2 - Water and oxygen. The small amount that you would use to kill the aiptasias probably won't hurt anything else. probably
Assuming of course that you use a syringe to inject it.
The first piece of LR I ever bought had a few of these guys on it (pretty big ones) and the guy at the LFS said that they "usually" charge more for LR with "cool" stuff like this on it. I did not know at the time what a PITA they actually were (do homework before buying and ignore LFS guys...) and thought they looked kinda neat. So I bought it and watched as they grew and multiplied (tripled their numbers in 2 weeks). I found out that they were bad and decided to get rid of them.
I talked to another guy at another LFS and he informed me that they multiplied when nitrates were high...... I asked about peppermint shrimp and was told if my nitrates were high enuff for the aiptasias to grow, then inverts would die. (nitrates were at 10).
--I don't listen to LFS guys anymore--
I started to try squishing them...... They multiplied faster......
I tried the kalkwasser, worked for the big guys, not so much for the littler ones.
Finally I got the peppermint shrimp.
Success - He likes them very much and is very happy in my tank.
I now have only two of the Aiptasias, they are hidden in a some crevices and only pop out every once in a while.
I know that that the peps won't help in your case but just thought I'd share my battle story with the aiptasia's.
Good Luck